~A Path Beyond Stars: Chapter 15~

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The day had passed quickly, with hunting patrols coming in and out of camp. ShadowClan still hadn't made a move and, as Fernfeather had pointed out, Stonestar was not getting any better.
His wound had reopened some time in the night, so he had been moved to the Medicine Den which had more room than his den.
And now, Fernfeather was padding forward, jumping onto the Highledge and calling the rest of the Clan.
"Stonestar is unwell and has told me to carry on with the naming ceremony, wishing for Fuzzyear's kits to be made apprentices now that they are of age," Fernfeather announced first. Understanding murmurs came from the crowd, though some sounded doubtful.
Fernfeather winced, shook her head, then looked down at the three kits.
"Coldkit, Frostkit and Brackenkit, you three have reached six moons and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day forward, you will be known as Coldpaw, Frostpaw and Brackenpaw. Your mentors will be," she said, looking at Brackenpaw, "Spidertail. Frostpaw's mentor will be Ashpelt, and your mentor, Coldpaw," she said, turning to the final apprentice, "will be Reedtail. All of these warriors are experienced enough and will teach you what they know."
Frostpaw padded happily over to Ashpelt, who looked strangely unhappy, while Brackenpaw ran over to stand beside Spidertail. Coldpaw shuffled eagerly toward Reedtail while Stripedpaw and Darkpaw practically bounced in their place.
Fernfeather turned to the apprentices. "And lastly, I, Fernfeather, deputy of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have worked hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn.
"Darkpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code even at the cost of your life?"
Darkpaw paused, taking a moment to control himself, then said, "I do."
"And Stripedpaw?"
"I do," said the other tabby.
"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names. Stripedpaw, from this moment on, you shall be known as Stripedfur. Darkpaw, you will be known as Darkclaw, and tonight you will both sit vigil to guard the Clan from remaining threats until dawn."
Stripedfur and Darkclaw nodded seriously. The sun began to set as Fernfeather dismissed the Clan meeting.
Reedtail followed Fernfeather to the Medicine Den. Spiraltail and Russetfire were already there. Before entering, Reedtail caught a glimpse of Ashpelt nodding as he escorted Frostpaw to the apprentices' den.
"How is he?" Fernfeather asked the young Medicine Cat. Russetfire shrugged. "He's not in any more pain than he was last time you checked him. He just needs a bit of rest and he should be fine..."
Fernfeather's ear twitched, indicating to Stonestar's daughters, and Russetfire nodded, leaving the den with Fernfeather.
When the two other she-cats had left, Spiraltail looked to her right. "He's in that den, I think," she said, nodding to the den on her side.
Stonestar lay on his side, snoring quietly on one of the nests. Dark red blood was visible on his leg through a large open shred while dried blood rested around the leg and wound.
"He was awake a short while ago," Spiraltail said quietly. "I hate to say it, but I... I don't think he'll make it, Reedtail."
"He may not," Reedtail said sadly. "Even so, we need to work to protect our other Clanmates, and those who don't have a Clan any longer."
"Half-Sight is the real danger in the Lake," Spiraltail agreed.
"Yes, he is. Come. Let's go back to the warriors' den."
"Okay." Spiraltail followed Reedtail, stopped to look back at her father, then continued on.
The cold night faded into daylight, and every warrior slept, save for Stripedfur and Darkclaw.

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