~A Path Beyond Stars: Chapter 21~

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Reedtail gasped. She didn't remember any of that!
Spiraltail shook her head frantically and slowly opened her eyes to stare at her friend. "So they were plotting against him," she breathed.
"Seems Silver-Eye was worse for it," Reedtail scoffed.
"I still can't believe it actually worked," Spiraltail said, a wide and triumphant grin on her face.
"An interesting gift," Reedtail commented, "but remind me why you did that?"
"I just needed to be sure," Spiraltail said, half to herself. "I wanted to know how and why Silver-Eye and Russetwhisker died. I'm guessing he got rid of Silver-Eye some time after dusk and left the more reluctant opponent for last."
"Good theory. Can I go now?"
Spiraltail looked suspicious.
"Don't give me that look," Reedtail grunted. "You know as well as I do that you also snuck out of camp more than once."
Spiraltail shrugged. "Come on, then, let's go tell our siblings."
Our siblings, Reedtail's mind echoed. It sounded so strange to know she was the daughter of two leaders, and possibly the only surviving kit of the litter, if she had had any brothers and sisters from Stonestar and Runningstar themselves.
Reedtail followed Spiraltail to the empty warriors' den to find Flameclaw, Whitestripe, Ashpelt, Iris-Eye, and even Stripedfur and Darkclaw sitting in their nests.
"Hello," Iris-Eye greeted the two. She returned to grooming her paw while Flameclaw spoke with Whitestripe, looking happier than ever.
Ashpelt was speaking with his two other siblings when Reedtail entered. He had briefly looked in her direction before shrugging and returning to his brother and sister.
"Ashpelt, Whitestripe," Spiraltail said. "Come to the spare den for a moment."
"Why?" Ashpelt grumbled.
Spiraltail looked confused at his snarky attitude, but said, "Just come. Reedtail and I want to talk to you both."
Whitestripe and Ashpelt exchanged confused glances but followed the two she-cats.
"Well? What is it?" Ashpelt said as soon as they were all crouched inside the den.
"Be patient, you great lump!" Whitestripe snapped.
Spiraltail chuckled slightly before speaking. "Reedtail just helped with my Memory-Seeing," she explained, but was interrupted by a resentful snort from her brother.
"She helped? Squirrels must be growing wings if she trusts you that much."
Spiraltail lashed her tail impatiently and continued. "We found out why Half-Sight killed Russetwhisker and Silver-Eye."
"Because he's a traitorous, murderous old fool?" Ashpelt growled. "Of course. We knew that already."
"Let her speak, for StarClan's sake!" Whitestripe hissed. Ashpelt flattened his ears and allowed Reedtail to start.
"When everyone says Half-Sight's excuse for killing Silver-Eye and Russetwhisker was, 'They were plotting against the Clan', he was correct," said the black she-cat. "Russetwhisker and Silver-Eye, especially Silver-Eye, were planning on killing him merely for being part ShadowClan."
"I bet you'd have similar problems in the future," Ashpelt retorted. Reedtail ignored this and went on.
"Half-Sight had overheard them talking about exterminating him from ThunderClan. Russetwhisker, while not too keen on the idea, still agreed to it, and Silver-Eye wanted to do the same to everyone who doubted him, Tigerfur and Creamfur."
"Tigerfur and Creamfur were related to Silver-Eye?" Whitestripe breathed.
"Spiraltail, wouldn't it be easier to show them yourself?" Reedtail asked. She wasn't in the mood for more interruptions. All she wanted to do was let them know what had really happened.
"I could try to," Spiraltail said hesitantly. "Hang on."
The small gray she-cat walked up to her siblings. The rain outside was growing louder with each passing second as Spiraltail showed Ashpelt and Whitestripe what happened the night Russetwhisker died.
Silence hung around the den for several long minutes. It felt like an age before Spiraltail finally opened her eyes. Ashpelt and Whitestripe looked dazed.
"Wow," Whitestripe said. "You're getting better at Memory-Seeing, Spiraltail," she commented after regaining her balance. She had been swaying like an adder getting ready to strike, which Reedtail found slightly amusing.
After a moment of silence, Spiraltail said, "Do you think we should show Stonestar, or at least Russetfire?"
"Is that really a good idea?" Ashpelt grunted. "Stonestar is still sick and Russetfire's busy enough as it is. We should show someone who can actually take action instead of someone who's going to end up stuck in camp either way they go."
"We need to tell someone," Spiraltail protested.
"I think we should keep your power, specifically, a secret," Whitestripe chimed in. As Spiraltail was about to protest further, Whitestripe cut her off. "Hear me out. The gift was given to you for a reason, Spiraltail. We can't tell anyone. And even if we did, who would believe us? We were too young to remember what happened that night, and every other warrior will just deny it."
"At least we know Rockhopper and Beeflower weren't always the only elders of ThunderClan," Ashpelt said in a surprisingly calm tone. "I remember hearing the name 'Flowertail', but until now, I'd never known who the name belonged to."
They all took a moment to respect her fight in the battle. She had died during the fight with Half-Sight, as well as Flameclaw's mother.
"Fernfeather," Reedtail muttered in realisation. "We could show Fernfeather. She would believe us, if no one else."
"That may work," Whitestripe said, nodding slowly. "Oh! I know what to do!"

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