Part 27

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You took a deep breath before performing the incantation, breathing out as the fire surrounded the cage right before a confused face looked around before landing on you.


Recap end

The body of the youngest Winchester ran towards the side of the cage closest to you before he grabbed the bars.

"(Y/N)," he almost sounded relieved as he looked at you, before he gained his composure and backed away a bit. "What are you doing here?"

Your head tilted and you stepped closer to the cage."I came to ask you for help."

He raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth to speak, but you raised your hand signaling for him to wait.

"Do not let that go to your head, I can get what I need done without you, it would just take longer, so I'm more here for Adam than I am for you."

"Okay, continue." You rolled your eyes and looked over to Rowena once he revealed he was only going to talk himself up instead of asking why his help was needed.

"Long story short, we had some dimension hopping issues, which resulted in a lot of death, and a much more macho, psycho you ended up in this world and walked away wearing Dean, which prompted your dad to come back again, and there was a whole lot of bringing people back from the empty, and I acquired crazy archangel powers because im like, the future of humanity, which to be honest I still don't know what that all entails still." I left the hasty explanation hanging in the air for him to soak up, and he just blinked at me a couple of times before nodding very slowly.

"You're the future of humanity?"

I raised an eyebrow inquisitively, "Yeah can't you see my big ass wings?"

He shook his head, "Can't see shit through the cage." You nodded. That was new information.

"Well yes I am, and as you probably know, I might be more powerful than God at some point, but I need help learning your strategies so I can get other world Michael out of Dean's freezer in his mind," he went to talk again, "yeah, i'm not sure what that means either they kept that a secret from me."

"I'll help."

Now it was your turn to shake your head in confusion. "Really?" You glanced at Rowena in doubt. "That didn't take much convincing."

"Since you and the WInchesters pulled Lucifer out of the cage, Adam's the only person I can talk to and he's made me see that humans aren't quite as pathetic as I once thought."

You nodded, but you were still suspicious. "So you and Lucifer talked when he was still here?"

"Yeah, ignoring him didn't work when we were always in such close proximity all of the time." You laughed at that.

"Hopefully you guys kind of bonded because hes on our team and that would be awkward."

"I assumed he was if he wasn't dead, I doubt Sam would let him have much leash to roam on."

You shrugged and moved your hand in a 'meh' motion. "We didn't always keep the best track of him after we were done fighting your aunt."

He raised an eyebrow looking for further explanation.

"You definitely have a nephew now. A nephilim nephew, and his name is Jack." He went slack jawed at that.

"And no he's a good kid he's not an end to all angel kind. But all of that can be explained later, lets get you out of Adam." After your little spiel you grabbed John and moved towards the cage.

"(Y/N)!" Rowena shouted making you turn to her. Her face was full of disbelief. "You're just going to let him out that easily?"

"I am still a little suspicious of the situation, but he's not going to be at full power straight out of the cage, and i'll be able to handle him, but call it a gut feeling I think he'll actually help." You looked at her pleadingly as you glanced at the holy fire. She sighed and let the protection spells down.

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