Part 8

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After we got out of the shower I got dressed and walked out of our-you know what I'm gonna say our room.

Lucifer tapped me on the shoulder. "Hey (Y/N)? I'm going to find Gabriel." I nodded and continued my trek to the kitchen to get myself a pop-tart.

When I walked in I was met with a very peeved looking Anael. Uh-oh. I waved meekly before taking careful steps toward the cabinet. "I heard everything." I look over at her and chuckled under my breath as I opened the cupboard door and pulled out a poptart package.

As soon as I turned around she grabbed it out of my hand and threw it on the other side of the room, hitting Sam on the head as he walked in. Gabriel, Lucifer, and Chuck were following suit. She pulled her arm back ready to smash my head in with her fist.

Obviously she was to slow. I grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back. "My arm," She growled. I let her go and pushed her forward slightly. "MY POP-TART!" I yelled motioning to the wrapper and crumbs by Sam's feet.

"Youre pop-tart?! That's what you're worried about?!" She yelled getting in my face. "Yes I am worried about my pop-tart! YOU MURDERED IT!" I yelled. Sam looked at me with a look that said 'I'm so done.' "Is a pop-tart really that important?" Sam asked. Of course I wasn't that mad about the freaking pop-tart, but that was unfortunate.

I heard Gabriel gasp. I whipped my head around to stare at Sam.  "Excuse me? Food. FOOD SAM!" I yelled throwing my arms in the air.

Sam's eyes widened as I started moving my hands around frantically yelling, "Of course you wouldn't understand my struggles with you and your healthy shit-ugh! I'm done!" I teleported over to an apartment that I started 'renting out' a couple months ago.

The truth is Crowley gave it to me a couple months before he ya know.... sacrificed himself. (I cried so much in that episode. Like why?! LUCIFER YOU BITCH! LIKE I WANNA HUG YOU AND KISS YOU AND STAB YOU IN YOUR FACE! SAME FOR SEASON THIRTEEN! Sorry...)

Anyways it's run by a couple demons who would never try to kill me because of my reputation, so I said yes. A girl needs her space sometimes.

After pacing around the room for a minute or so, I went over and stood by the window in the living room. After a couple of minutes I felt arms wrap around my waist and I was pulled against a torso that was radiating a calmingly cool temperature.

I sighed while tilting my head back and closing my eyes. "Are you okay babe," Lucifer asked quietly, kissing the top of my head.

"She knows," I croaked on the verge of tears of fear and anger, "And she's going to tell Sam and Mary and-and Cas."

I turned around and buried my face in his chest letting a couple of tears fall. He started stroking the back of my head. "Shhhhh. It's okay. Gabriel and uh-Dad will make sure she doesn't say anything. It's all going to be fine." He whispered in my ear soothingly.

I took in some deep breaths trying to calm myself down. After I had stopped crying, he pulled back and grabbed my hand walking me over to the couch. He sat down and I laid my head in his lap. He started playing with my hair and I sighed in content.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I could see Dean. "Michael." I said glaring at him. He smiled at me and flicked his wrist gluing me to my spot. "Leave her alone Michael." Lucifer growled, appearing from nowhere. They started screaming at each other. Screaming turned to punching. Punching turned to blades. With a brief cry of pain and light in the room Lucifer fell to the floor.

"No!" I yelled watching Michael disappear. Finally being able to move, I ran over to Lucifer and fell onto my knees. "Please. No. No. This can't be happening," I put his head in my lap and stroked his hair. I put two fingers on the wing imprints on the floor. "Please." I whispered.

*lucifer's POV*
I smiled as she fell asleep in my lap. She was under a lot of stress and I felt terrible. Why did I feel terrible? I'm lucifer for dads' sake! Of course I know why I feel bad.

I love her. There's no denying it anymore. She understands me. She understands why I was cast out. She doesn't blame me for it. She knows that I've done some absolutely terrible and stupid things but she doesn't think that I'm evil, I can see it in her eyes.

I looked down at her again, and my smile fell instantly. Her eyebrows were creased and her lips formed a tight line. She kicked and whimpered, starting to struggle. She was having a nightmare. At least I thought she was. Blood trickled out of her nose and I panicked and shook her shoulders violently.

"Wake up!" I yelled trying to stop whatever the hell was happening. She shot up and took in a deep breath as tears started falling down her face.

*(Y/N)'s POV*
"No. Please I can't lose you," I said pulling him towards my chest as I started rocking back and forth.

I looked around as multiple ear splitting screams caused a pounding headache. I covered my ears and started to even out my breathing. I could feel myself shaking. "Wake up!" The booming voice overpowering the scream.

I felt my body and mind give out as I collapsed onto the ground, losing consciousness.

I sat up quickly and looked around. Lucifer was sitting there with a worried expression on his face. I gasped and wrapped my arms around him. "You're okay," I yelled relieved as I pulled back.

"Of course I'm okay," He laughed. I noticed something odd. I put my hand up to my face and wiped under my nose. I pulled my hand back down and stared at the thick red substance with confusion.

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