Part 12

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I glared, "Michael." I raised my arm shakily before my body gave out and I fell into the darkness.
Recap end

I groaned as I opened my eyes for the first time in what seemed like months. Light seeped through my eyes as I coughed. Warm liquid ran down my thigh before I heard a shout of anger and the fluttering if wings.

"Morning sunshine." A familiar voice rang through the room. I laughed before I turned my head to look at Dean's face that an archangel was currently wearing. "Michael. To what do I owe the pleasure?" I looked down at my now cut jeans and a gash that ran over my thigh. "You will see. Well Anael seems to enjoy watching you bleed. I just had her thrown out for that little stunt." He spoke pointing at my leg.

I itched at my wrists that were chained above my head. "So you don't want me hurt Mikey? I feel honored dear soldier." I spoke sassily as I watched him peer down at me. He smirked down at me as he cupped my cheek with his hand. "I'll soon be calling you a soldier, dear." My face hardened. "Well maybe you could rule by my side."

I chuckled. "Rule by your side? What is that supposed to mean Mikey?" He just smiled at me as he let my head fall down before he looked to the side. "(Y/N) have you ever thought of a world rid of all of my fathers so called children? Those useless sacks of meat who just can't seem to mind their business." I scoffed. "You mean humans Michael?" He nodded as he looked toward me. "I'm human Michael." He shook his head. "You were human. Now you are an archangel. A powerful one at that." "Even so why do you want me?"

"You're smart." He said shrugging. "I'm a highschool dropout buddy." He rolled his eyes. "You only dropped out for two reasons: hunting and you knew that you were smarter than the rest of the class. But book smarts aren't the only reason I admire you. Sure you know how to add and all of that but you know how to play your cards right. Street smarts are one of your specialties as well. You can hustle pool to make a little extra cash. Seduce a witness if needed. Comfort a witness if needed."

You know how to have fun but still protect yourself from the things that lurk in the shadows. You are the perfect asset to my little army." I let the little grace I have left flow through the cuffs that were restraining me. "I also know you have over ten escape plans going through your head this very second." As soon as the cuffs hit the ground and my arms swung down he caught my wrists.

"Did you know I have all of Dean's memories? Every single one." A hand went back to the side of my face. "Every night after a hunt you guys would sit and laugh with a beer in your hands. More recently however, you wouldn't just share laughs. You'd share kisses." I looked away. It was true Dean and I had been together a couple months ago but it ended.

"He still love you ya know? He's stuck in his own head screaming at me to let you go. To not hurt you." There was a small clinking noise from the hallway of the warehouse we were in. "He would kill his brother to keep you safe." I looked back up at him. That wasn't true. I knew that Dean would trade me for Sammy's life any day. It would take me telling him that I forgave him to do it but he would. As soon as I went to call him out on his crap I saw movement over his shoulder.

I spared a small glance and almost smiled as I did. It was Sam, Chuck, Cas, Gabe, and.... Lucifer! I knew they need time so I looked back at Michael with no expression. His hand went plunder my chin and pulled me closer to him. His lips brushed up against mine and when his eyes were closed I looked ya towards them to see them getting ready to fight. They were barely ready. So I did what I had to do.

I applied more pressure against his lips and gripped at his shoulders as his hands went down to hips. I didn't care whether they were ready or not but when he pulled away I bit down on his lip HARD. I could taste blood as his nails dig into my hips before he jumped away. "What the hell?!" "Get away from my soulmate brother." Lucifer boomed from behind him his eyes ablaze.

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