Part 28

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Michael's hand wrapped around the blade, and he dropped it to the side, looking away from Mary's shocked face as she looked him over.

Everyone's expression dropped and then the anger finally took over.
Recap end

Except most of those stares weren't focused on you, but on Mary. Dean's stare, however, moved back to you after a second.

Of course he'd be angry at you for saving his life. You almost rolled your eyes.

"Well so much for stealth," Adam spoke as he came through the door. He grabbed the angel blade off the floor and stuffed it in his belt loop.

"Adam?" Sam asked in surprise as he gave his younger half-brother a once over.

"Waddup?" Michael rolled his eyes as he glanced at Adams 'unprofessional' behavior, before his watchful eyes moved back towards Mary in case she made another move.

You looked at Lucifer once you realized he was being awfully quiet, only to make eye contact with him. He slowly looked from you to Michael then back to you. You could practically read the question in his eyes. 'Why is he so protective of you?'

You sighed as you looked over to Chuck and Gabriel. Gabriel was obviously struck with nostalgia and sadness, as he hadn't seen his brother in a very long time. Chuck was smiling softly.

"Yeah super stealthy, your lordship," you started bringing the eyes back to you with your sarcastic remark as you looked at Michael with annoyance.


He definitely wasn't.

"Not like this could kill me anyways," you noted looking directly at Mary as you grabbed the blade from Adam as you sliced into your hand, the wound instantly disappearing.

"Archangel powers, not angel powers." Chuck said.

Mary's eyes widened ever so slightly.

Wow, she actually was trying to kill you. You swallowed a bit but ultimately decided to pretend like you didn't know.

"Yeah," she started as a way to cover, "but an angel blade still hurts." 

You nodded at that.

You started walking down the stairs, "Rowena, I'll call you later, but you should leave before you get brought into the inevitable Winchester vs. (Y/l/n) dominance show out," you said nodding over in Dean's direction.

She nodded.

"Thank you for everything."

You lead Michael and Adam down the stairs, and Dean left the room. Your eyes followed him.


He sighed and smiled at you as gently as he could.

"I trust you (Y/n)." You saw Mary roll her eyes in your peripheral vision.

"I just wish you would tell us before you go and get yourself in trouble."

Shrugging, you stated, "meh trouble usually finds me."

"I'll make a few calls and convince my colleagues that everyone is where they should be," Ketch said in an unamused manner before stepping towards the kitchen.

Adam and Sam moved  towards each other, and Chuck made his way towards Michael.

Sam and Adam hugged and patted each other on the back before turning to watch the celestial beings.

Chuck reached towards Michael, but he moved around him and grabbed Gabriel and Lucifer in a group hug.

Gabe instantly melted into it and Lucifer gradually let himself relax into it before awkwardly patting Michael on the back.

"Yeah, that makes more sense," Chuck stated as he nodded and watched them.

"Damn," you started, "guess when you lock your children away from the world they start to see things differently."

Everyone looked over at you in shock.

Chuck hummed in agreement before stating, "I'm learning, and trying to mend my relationships."

You nodded and looked around again before your eyes landed on Lucifer. He raised his eyebrows before glancing down at his feet.

Your eyes widened before you snapped your fingers and he made a show of stretching his legs out.

You rolled your eyes and he instantly moved towards you, grabbing your face in his hands and bringing your lips to his. You hummed into the kiss as you wrapped your hands around his wrists.

Good to know he doesn't hate me.

He slid his hand down your sides once he pulled back. He turned for a second, just long enough to smirk over at Michael without you noticing. Michael resisted the urge to roll his eyes, (an action he had been using more frequently since becoming friendly with Adam), but instead just stared silently.

"Blech." Adam stated plainly as he eyed the two of you, Michael and Lucifer's exchange not going unnoticed by him.

"You get used to it," Sam said quietly as he focused in on the celestial beings in the room, waiting for something to happen.

"He's right," Gabe said as he looked back up to Michael and Lucifer.

"I don't know about that." Michael said as he looked at you with teasing smirk.

"That's not something you get used to." Sam spoke shuddering, "I mean come on you're pretty much wearing my dad, stop flirting with her."

"Um shes also my soulmate sooooo," Lucifer said as he put an arm around your waist.

You glance to the side and saw Chuck speaking to Mary, hopefully about Michaels physical appearance.

You sighed as you moved to the hallway. Dealing with an annoyed and worried Dean Winchester was always something to be done right away so he doesn't have the opportunity to stew in his feelings for too long.

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