Part 4

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  "Go." I said shakily, letting the tears fall freely now. He sighed as he leant down and kissed my forehead. I grabbed the sides of his face and slowly brought him towards myself. I planted a soft and sweet kiss on his lips as the life slipped away from me.

(Y/N's POV)

I could feel cold air rushing over my body. I moved my fingers and heard the debris scrape against the concrete. I opened my eyes only to shut them a second later. I groaned and opened my eyes again. 

I sat up and looked down at my stomach. There was a hole in my shirt, but no wound. I looked around the room hoping to catch a glimpse of my friends, bot there was no luck. I stood up and grabbed the blade off of the ground. 

I started walking over to the exit, after standing there for a few minutes. I stumbled a bit at first making the blade slice into my hand.  "Dammit." I muttered looking at the wound, only for it to be gone two seconds later. 

"The hell?" I walked over to a broken mirror on the ground and observed myself. "Well this is a stupid idea." I told myself before slicing into my hand again. I looked back into the mirror and my eyes starting glowing (Favorite Color). 

I let out a small scream and ran back to the door, tucking the blade in my pocket. I pushed the door open and shielded my eyes. "When I told them to go, I didn't mean  leave my body there."  I didn't see baby either.  

My eyes scanned the ground, and I saw Cas's phone. I picked it up and started flipping through his contacts.

 I found a group text message and saw that he had sent a message to it yesterday that read, 'I come bearing bad news. (Y/N) (Y/L/N) was killed by a demon named keith, not even a half an hour ago. We will say our farewells in (A random church) in (HomeTown) before giving her a proper hunter's funeral. We will dress nicely for this occasion, because she absolutely hated formal wear,'

Wow thanks, I thought before continuing, 'Sam and I will pick up her body shortly before the service at 4:00 tomorrow evening. We hope to see you there, even if it is on short notice. Sincerely, Castiel.' 

I looked at the time and saw that it was exactly 3:00. I smirked slightly. "Well, I guess this would be a fun time for a prank. Um maybe I can teleport like Cas?" I closed my eyes and imagined myself in the church and stumbled, feeling the ground change under my feet. 

I opened my eyes again to see an empty casket and Claire Novak in a black dress fixing the flowers, with tears in her eyes. I hid behind a box when the door opened, to reveal Jody with a blank expression. 

"Claire, this is the dress we are going to put on her when she arrives." She spoke laying an elegant black and red gown over the casket (Above ^). "Sam and Cas just left to pick her up." She lightly grabbed Claire's upper arm and walked her out of the room. 

Poor Claire, she looked so sad. I grabbed the dress and changed into it, grabbing a black pair of heels off of the ground and slipped them on. I messed with my hair a bit, so that it would hide my face but still look okay. 

I peeked out of the door and once I saw that the coast was clear, I slipped out of the room and quietly closed the door behind me. I walked over to the back of the room with my head down, but still observing everyone that was here. 

I saw a variety of hunters there that I had previously worked with, along with Ketch, and Rowena.

I saw Lucifer, Gabe, Jack, Mary, and Chuck standing together with no sign of emotion evident on their faces except Jack who was crying silently. I smiled a bit when Lucifer started rubbing his back. 

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