Part 20

208 11 8

Warnings: Mentions of sexual harassment, swearing

(Y/f/d) = your favorite drink. You also call Dean 'De'.


"I'm sorry sweetheart, but if we kept that up you would not have even made it into the club." I giggled as we entered, my eyes immediately finding the rest of my dysfunctional family tucked away in a booth in the corner obviously waiting for Lucifer and I.

Recap End.

"I'm going to go grab us some drinks." Lucifer whispered into my ear which successfully caused shivers to run up and down my spine. He grinned down at me noticing my reaction. I rolled my eyes.

"Go for it." I turned away from him as I started to make my way towards the rest of the group. Sam and Dean seemed to notice me and once my gaze landed on them the looked away and started talking to our other friends.

My body instantly filled with rage once I remembered what had happened before that guy decided to confront me.

Once I reached the booth, I plopped down beside Gabe who had scooched over once he saw me. He threw an arm over my shoulder as he handed me a glass of (y/f/d).

I nodded in thanks as I took it from him, glaring towards the Winchester boys as I took a large gulp.

Gabriel tilted his head in question, glancing towards Sam and Dean. I shook my head as an answer. Another glass of (y/f/d) was sat gently in front of me. Lucifer's hand disappeared from my line of sight as he retracted it from the glass.

He sat beside me, practically pushing me on top of Gabe's lap. As Gabe moved to put his arm around my waist, Lucifer grabbed my hips and put me on his lap.

I rolled my eyes as I threw my arms over his shoulders. "You do realize that you pretty much threw me onto his lap, right?"

Lucifer just raised his eyebrows before diverting his gaze to Ketch who's voice had stuck out like a sore thumb as he ordered his drink at the bar.

"Who invited him again?" Dean asked with a small scowl as he swirled his glass of whiskey around in his glass.

"Um De, I did." I spoke.

"Why?" He questions exasperated with the Brit's presence.

"Dean, I asked if you were okay with it before I had even invited him and you said yes," I stated before noticing Deans face morph into confusion and disbelief. "In fact, I believe your exact words were 'yeah invite who you want (y/n/n) I'll be too smashed to care'."

He opened his mouth to speak, but I quickly shot him a glare to keep his stupid, secret keeping mouth up. He looked away from me. 

"Woah, girls what's with the attitude, and all around bad vibes coming from you two?" Gabe asked as he downed another shot of vodka. 

"Yeah love, it looks like you've been offing both of the brothers in your mind since you walked in." Ketch spoke up as he slid into the booth next to Rowena. 

"Nothing's wrong we just all had a little spat in the car," Sam spoke up, finally looking at me long enough for me to force eye contact. He raised a glass to his lips, but I reached over Gabriel's body yanking it from his grasp before downing it in an unhealthily quick pace. My nose crinkled in disgust. That was nasty as all hell.

"That wasn't a 'spat' Samuel," my voice rose with each word a I clambered out of Lucifer's lap to stand up, "That was me asking you both what the hell was going on, and you ignoring every question." 

My eyes traveled over to Dean who was looking down at his drink. "(Y/N) please sit down," Sam said rushedly as his eyes wandered around the room, becoming aware of the people around us.

I clenched my fists. "No. How am I supposed to sit down and be calm when my two BEST friends obviously don't trust me enough to tell me what's bothering them!"

Ketch's eyes followed the movements of a bartender who started making his way over to us. 


"Be quiet." I warned the dark-haired man, my eyes flashing bright red.

I flicked my wrist towards the bartender, stopping him in his tracks. The volume of the music raised with my command as I tried to divert everyones attention away from me. I glanced around at my family, immediately noticing their gloomy expressions. 

"Sam, Dean, I think it's best if you tell her." Chuck spoke from the other side of the booth. 

My jaw dropped in shock and disbelief. "You all know?" Nobody responded. Not even Lucifer or Gabe.

"Babe, who cares, what the Losechesters have to say isn't super important." Lucifer stated as he stood up and wrapped his hand around my wrist, very terribly trying to divert my mind from the subject.

I yanked my wrist away as a look of shock and hurt ran across his face, each emotion passing in a mere couple of seconds. 

"Well what ever it is, they obviosuly don't care enough to tell me the truth. I guess none of you do." 

"Oh you got that right (Y/N/N)." Dean spoke as he shook his head and laughed sarcastically. "I don't care about you at all!" He spoke as he pushed everyone out of the booth so he could stand in front of me. 

I nodded and smiled, but I was anything but happy.

"I hate you so damn much (Y/N), that I lay wake at night wondering if you're happy, if you're safe with Lucifer." Chuck snapped his fingers and him, and everyone else disappeared.

"Dammit (Y/N), I fucking love you!" He screamed in dismay and anger as he grabbed my shoulders. 

"Then why won't you tell me what's wrong?" I exclaimed as my nails dug into his wrists.

"Michael isn't gone." 

"What? Dean what do you mean?" My voice softening at the name of the monster that more than likely haunts his nightmares.

"He's locked away in my brain, but he's still there. Still here." 

A tear slipped down my cheek. "De, why didn't you tell me?" I pressed as my voice cracked. 

"Because you were so happy." He said as his own tears started running down his face. 

"Dean..." I didn't know what to say, so I just raised my hands to cup his cheek. 

"You were happy I was back, you were happy that you had a boyfriend I just-" 

"Dean. You can't sacrifice your mental health for mine."

"(Y/N). I'd sacrifice damn near everything for you." He retaliated with a small smile. Those were the last words I heard before his lips landed on mine.

The Future (Lucifer x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu