Part 2

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"Hopefully it doesn't come to that." A familiar voice said teasingly.

"Chuck?" You asked, bewildered. 

~Recap finished~ 

You stared at him for a couple of seconds while the other's jaws' went slack. "I honestly don't know whether I should hug you, or punch you right now." You scowled. He laughed awkwardly and said, "I would let you do either, but I think I think that I might deserve to be punched, more than hugged."  

"Um, who is this?" You looked over with a small smile on your face. "Well Mary, this is Chuck, but you may recognise the name more commonly used: God." Her eyes were practically the size of dinner plates. She walked over and stood in front of him. "You are- are, G-God?!" Chuck smiled a little bit and nodded. "You must be Mary Winchester," He said extending his hand out to her. 

She carefully shook his hand. "What brings you here?" Sam asked finally jumping into the conversation.  "Oh. Well I went to a different universe with Amara, and then sensed a couple negative presences'." We all nodded, while you looked at him with a small smirk. 

"Hmmmm, I wonder who that could of possibly been." You rolled your eyes. "Well I couldn't detect exactly who they were from the other dimension. But i'm starting to make assumptions." You nodded and sighed, then turned your head over to Jack who was stirring slightly in his sleep. 

You yawned, and walked over to pick him up. You went and laid him down in his room, and walked back out to the library where everyone was. "Then Dean said yes to Michael,  to save us from Lucifer." You heard Sam say as soon as you walked in the room. 

"Yes, and then Lucifer froze me in my spot and almost made me watch Jack kill Sam. Then I punched him and knocked him off of his feet." You started, "Then Michael went against Dean's deal and knocked me out, and ran off, and here we are!" You finished with fake enthusiasm. 

You sat down on the couch again, and sighed. "You can find him right?" You sounded so hopeful and desperate, and you were usually never either of those things. "He's covering his tracks quite well so it could take a couple weeks, but we definitely will find him eventually." He said with a small smile on his face. 

You nodded and leaned back then closed your eyes. But you were completely awake and listening when he said, "We are going to need some help though." You narrowed yours eyes at him, and everyone else went silent. "Sorry but we might need more than one archangel, to find one you has been storing power for years" You looked at him like he had gone mad. "But you are literally God! You created him shouldn't it be easy to find him!" You were stressed. 

He looked down in shame. "Once again i'm sorry, but i'm still weak from when we battled Amara." You stood up quickly and angrily shouted,"That was two years ago! What the hell have you been doing? Fighting more Amara's or something?!" 

He shook his head about to speak but you started leaving the room. You stooped at the doorway and shakily spoke, "As long as you can control him i'm fine with it." He smiled a bit, "BUT! My other condition is that you bring Gabriel back as well." He nodded. Gabriel was your best friend. And pretty much everyone knew that. 

Nobody thought that you would get along as you had dated, before he had 'died'. But you guys had realized that you weren't made to be a couple. Everyone else reluctantly agreed to the plan after about two hours of constant back and forth arguments.

You went to bed around 10:30, and woke up at about 3:30 in the morning to soft whimpers coming from your doorway. You looked up to see Jack looking at you, and you managed to notice the tears rolling down his face. 

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