Part 29

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You sighed as you moved to the hallway. Dealing with an annoyed and worried Dean Winchester was always something to be done right away so he doesn't have the opportunity to stew in his feelings for too long.
You placed a quick knock on the door, but of course, no answer. You rolled your eyes and jiggled the door handle. Of course he locked it.

"Dean. Open the door." You spoke softly. When neither his footsteps or his voice rang out in the room, you rolled your eyes again before pulling the handle off of the door with ease before pushing it open.

"What the hell!" He exclaimed as he straightened up, standing in front of a freshly broken chair.

"I told you to open the door." You explained as you placed the door handle on his desk and looked at the  chair.

"You ever heard of" He rolled his eyes at your therapy suggestion before he stood in front of the chair in slight embarassment.

"You ever heard of not trusting manic celestiel beings? You're on your third." His voice dripped with sarcasm and annoyance.

"Dean, I wouldn't of done it if i didn't know it would work." You promised, your hand moving up to lay against his shoulder. "I know how you Winchesters are with your piss poor attitudes about people trying to help you because you feel like you don't deserve it. You dish it out, but you can't take it."

Your hand drops back to your side as you see his expression hasn't changed. He was still upset with your decision.

"I know that you're trying to get me to feel like im doing the wrong thing, but I know im not." You sighed out. "There are so many people that care about you, including me, and i'm not going to let you die, or become crazier than you already are. So be mad at me all you want, but im not sorry." You turned around and left the room making your way back to the library, failing to see his smile at your attitude. You were a Winchester for sure.

Just as you were about to enter, a body came from inside the library, blocking your entrance. "Luce." You acknowleedged as he stood in front of you.

He gave you a snarky look and raised an eyebrow at you, crossing his arms over his chest, his foot impatiently tapping against the floor. "You've got a lot of explaining to do Missy."  

"About which part?" You asked.

He narrowed his eyes. "The secret keeping. What if he killed you or something? And we wouldn't even know where you were."

You sighed nodding. "I'm sorry, but you know I had to take the risk." He nodded, accepting the asnwer quickly making you raise your eyebrow. "Was that your only concern?"

Lucifer looked to the side before shrugging. "Well, why is Mikey so protective and.... frisky with you?"

You let out a chuckle. "How'd I know that was gonna come up? I'm not sure why he's 'frisky' with me," you laugh at the word, "But I have a theory that celestial beings are attracted, or even just slightly drawn to me because of me being the future of humanity. Kind of like a celestiel, magnetic pull."

He goes to talk, eyes narrowed again before you put up a finger to stop him. "And when I say attracted, I dont mean actually infatuated, I simply mean how electrons are drawn to the nucleus of an atom, purely an energy charged pull."

He nods slowly. "I'm just going to pull context clues because I have no idea what you just said, but I think I get what you're meaning to say. The magnet example made way more sense."

You laugh as you grab his belt loops and pull him closer to you by the hips, making him smirk. He wraps his arms around you, hands resting flat on your ass.

"I like my atom example better," you say, your finger going up to trace patterns on his chest. "Im like the nucleus of an atom, the other angels are electrons, and you're like a proton, already happy because you're already inside of me." You smirked.

Lucifer let out a whistle at that. "Unfortunately, I am not inside of you right now, but i'm sure we can change that." He says suggestively, already beginning to push you farther into the hall towards your shared bedroom.

"No we certainly cannot change that you nasty freaks." Adam says as he pops his head into the hall. You cringe as you pull out of Lucifers grasp, making him laugh. "Lucky you, I was the only one that heard the weird chemistry flirting because everyone moved to the kitchen and sent me to find you." Adam explained, and you caught up to speed with his steps, Lucifer trailing comfortably behind.

"Did you talk to Dean?" Adam asked. You nodded.

"went about as well as one would expect it too, I guess." You explained, making him nod and lucifer hummed from behind, needing to be involved.

"Mary?" You questioned the boys quietly. 

"About as good as one would expect." Lucifer said, copying your words slightly mockingly.

"Shes kind of..." Adam trailed off. You raised an eyebrow.

"A bitch?" Lucifer finishes, making you turn and punch his arm.

"Well I was just going to say shes not a fan of (Y/N) but that works too." Adam chuckles.

You nodded, as that certainly wasn't new information.

As you entered the kitchen all eyes turned to you and you instantly felt smaller. Sam raised a brow questioningly and you sent him a thumbs up.

"Deans fine, he'll come around." You said making him nod with a smile. "He will need a new door handle though." He raised an eyebrow again and you waved him off.

"So, i'm all caught up on everything. Met Jack." Michael explained as he leant back in his chair, his hands on the back of his head. "Don't know why we didn't know you were the future of humanity, I feel like you would've made good leverage in the apocalypse."

Everyone sent a glare in his direction making him smirk and look at you. "Don't worry I wouldn't of hurt a hair on your pretty little head, you would of been treated like a queen. My queen."

His assurance didn't exactly assure Lucifer as he sent a cold glare to his older brother, making Michael smirk. Good to know there was still a 'healthy' sibling rivalry.

You sighed at Michaels flirtation. "You're lucky you're more tolerable than psycho you."

Sam nodded in agreement.

"You ever think about how then was so much simpler compared to now?" You asked suddenly.

"The apocalypse was simple?" Mary asked confusedly.

Sam nodded once more as he looked over at her, still tense with her, it seemed like everyone was except you.

"No offense to- actually full offense to these idiots," you said pointing to Michael and Lucifer, "they were so much easier to deal with than like, Amara." You put your hand back down in thought.

"Besides the fact that Sam went to hell." You finished, making Gabriel snort.

Lucifer cleared his throat.

"Oh and Adam!" You added, making Lucifer and Michael roll their eyes, but Adam fist bumped you.

"Please as if I liked you two back then." You narrowed your eyes at the two oldest angels.

"So you like me now?" Michael smirked.

You pointed at him. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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