Part 15

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I sat directly in front of him as I tried to form and apology in my head before sighing. "There's a lot to explain," I said as the other joined us at the table.
Recap end

"Okay hold up," Dean sighed as he put up his hands signaling me to stop.
"You're telling me that you have archangel powers," he started as he waved his hands in the air to show us that he thought that this was all crazy, "not only that but you're like satan?" I cringed gently but nodded nonetheless.
"And you and Satan are screwing?" He asked, becoming louder by the second.
"Call me Satan again and I will-," I put my hand on Lucifer's bicep while looking at Dean. Lucifer puffed out a cool huff of air as he sunk back in his seat.
Dean scowled at him and I narrowed my eyes at him. You think he'd realize that he was just fueling the situation. Maybe he did realize. He just enjoyed doing it.
"Well I mean I guess you could put it that way. But we're actually," I hesitated. I didn't know why. Dean looked at me, obviously waiting for an explanation. "We're-,"
"We're soulmates," Lucifer growled and took off down the hallway in anger. My eyes looked at the hallway apologetically and guiltily but he was long gone. I looked over at Dean who had his mouth agape.
"No. You aren't his- you aren't are you?" He asked as he stood up and started pacing back and forth with his hands on the top of head.
"He is my soulmate." I said quietly as Sam stood up and walked over to his brother. He laid his hand on Dean's arm. Sam looked over at me sadly and I stood up and left the room passing a jogging Mary who had tears running down her face. I looked back and saw her bring him into a tight hug but he just looked at me with a broken expression. I turned quickly and made my way down the hall looking for any sign of Lucifer.
I kept walking and I would've just kept moving forward aimlessly if it wasn't for my name being called gently. "Y/n?" I looked over at jack's doorway where he stood looking up at me with the same curious and innocent expression as always.
I gave him the most believable smile that I could muster up.
"Yeah buddy," I asked gently. "You love him don't you." It was more of a statement than a question. I nodded slowly. "You've changed him. He's less rude almost kind sometimes." I gave him a sad smile.

"He went to your guys's rooms." I smiled at him gratefully. My steps were quick but my pace slowed down as I had started getting closer to the door.
I gently rapped my knuckles against the old yet sturdy wood as I got ready for a screaming match.
There was no reply. The door didn't open, there wasn't a voice telling me to come in or to stay out.
My palm found the door handle and I let out a sigh. I opened the door and looked around the room. He was sitting in the chair I had, just facing the wall.

He had his head in his palm and didn't acknowledge the fact that I had come in the room. I inhaled. "Luce  I'm so so sor-," I had started before he gave a weak chuckle. "You're sorry Y/n? You're sorry?" He removed his head from his palm and straightened his posture.
"You told me that you loved me not even and hour ago, but you can't tell someone that I'm your soulmate?" My lip quivered. I hurt him. He stood up and turned around to look at me and tears welled up in my eyes.
There were tears rolling down his face.
"I love you and there's nothing I could do about that. Believe me there's sometimes when I wish that I didn't." He walked towards me slowly and stopped when our chests started to touch. "You're ashamed of me." "Lucifer no-,"
"Then tell me why Y/n," his voice was shaky as tears kept flowing for his eyes.
"I don't know why," I cried out, keeping eye contact with him.
"But I know that it was wrong I- I just hesitated!" He looked to the side. "Lucifer I love you I really do. And if if there was a way prove it to you, I would believe me."
"I believe that you love me Y/n. I just don't know why you do." I shook my head disbelievingly before I grabbed his face in my hands and forced him to look at me.
He was vulnerable and he wasn't used to it. "You've made mistakes yes. And were they pretty bad ones? Yes. But that's what love is about. It's not about loving each other because you're perfect. Its about seeing each others flaws and loving them as well as their good side."
He gently took my hands from his face and placed them around my neck before he leaned in and kissed me. It was sweet and passionate and long and- perfect.
He backed up towards the bed and we landed on it and just continued the kiss. We stayed in each others arms for the rest of the night in silence, exchanging kisses once in a while just enjoying each others company before I fell asleep, happy and content.

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