Aokiji x Reader

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     The silence was deafening. Every single day for the passed 2 months it's been like this. He came home late at night, always, without a fail, finding you on the couch with the intent of staying up and waiting for him all night, never succeeding. He left early in the mornings, just before you woke up from your sleep, in hopes to find him laying next to you. The smallest traces of him being in your shared home were evident however, it wasn't acceptable anymore. You've reached your breaking point. Of course you knew he was an important man and with such importance, there came business. However, as busy as he was, he never even thought about considering just taking one day for you? It hurt to think he was so caught up in work that he wouldn't bother to think of such a thing.

     It was late in the evening and you fought very hard to stay awake for him to come home. A small hot cup of coffee in between your sleeved hands rested cozily as you were staring tiredly at the analog clock that hung on your kitchen wall. The tiny clicks as each second passed by was the only thing heard in your empty shared home.

     The clock read 2:43am. Your blinks were getting longer as the clocks noises became sort of soothing, making you sleepier.


     Your eyes shot open as anxiety washed over your body. You felt your heart racing as you watched the entryway to your kitchen. The light was on so you knew he would stroll in to see if you were really awake or if for some reason you had forgotten it were on still before sleeping.

     Lazy footsteps came closer to the kitchen. You gripped the cup slightly tighter as you were eventually greeted with the tall slim man you knew as your husband. He looked shocked but gave you a small smile.

     "You actually stood awake this time. I'm impressed." He greeted you with a kiss on your forehead and sat across from you. A smile didn't appear on your face nor did you make eye contact with him. Your eyes were locked on the cup you held and your face seemed to have a look of secrecy. He noticed this and leaned back against his chair, crossing his arms.

     "Is everything okay?" After these two months that had passed by and you finally see him, you didn't think you would be so tamed. Honestly, all you really wanted to do was hug him, kiss him, tell him how much you've missed him and just fall asleep in his arms. Doing that though would most likely result in nothing and you would probably see him in another couple of months, if you decided to force yourself to stay awake that is.

     "Kuzan." The tone of your voice was different. It didn't have the same high pitched excitement it usually did. There was no joy in his name. It was stern and low.

     "Am I in trouble?" His question irritated you a bit. Does he not comprehend that you haven't seen your husband in two months and he expects you to be happy go lucky when he finally sees you awake, for him, during witching hours, like everything is dandy? As if you just saw him yesterday.

     "Kuzan. It's been two months since I've last seen you... don't you think that's a long time for a husband and wife to spend apart from each other?"
     "We aren't apart, (Y/N). I still come home-"
     "Do you? It doesn't feel like it at all. You get home so late and leave so early, I never see you next to me when I sleep nor when I wake up. I see a cup in the sink or a paper in the trash to know you were home. The hair you leave in the shower drain keeps me more company than you have in these last two months. We do not see each other anymore and..." You started crying silently. You kept your emotions bottled up for quite some time and being able to have him here in front of you made you feel so many things. In one hand, you were certain that expressing how you felt would change something, anything. On the other hand, you wanted to ignore it all and spend time with him. Why would you spend your only time with him chewing him out?

     "I just... I can't do it anymore." Your words were but a whisper but it was loud enough in the silent house. A long sigh came from him as he got up from the chair and walked towards you.

     "Please don't, Kuzan. I just-" He grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the chair, dragging you to the shared room you had. With little resistance, you tugged at his grip to no avail.

     "Will you please let go of me?" As he lead you to the bed, he was just about to lay down and pull you on top of him before you snatched yourself from his grip and angrily stared at him, tears still streaming down your cheeks. He watched your flushed face as you began to scold him.

     "Do not ignore me! Things are not okay! I just need to know. Will I get more time with you and actually see my husband or am I going to be wondering still every day what time you'll get home, if you'll come home, when I would see you again?! This isn't healthy. Every time I want to speak with you, I never get a chance to say what I need to and I finally can speak with you and you're not even responding to anything! Do you even care?! Why are you being so nonchalant? Show me you care about me! About us..." Your heavy breathing and crying made you feel like you couldn't say anymore. Your emotions had taken over. His dark eyes watched as the love of his life was threatening to leave him. The woman he vowed to love and protect was crying before him. The many memories they shared lived lovingly in his mind and heart. His feelings for her never strained once, it was still flaming in him. The love, the care, the desire to spend the rest of his life with her. They were all there and pinging strong inside of him. He knew it was frustrating and difficult. He knew nothing about how work was going had been remotely fair to you. He knew all of that. Which is why he didn't fight you on it.

     His silence made you feel otherwise though. He was just as silent as the days, weeks and months he had been absent. With a small nod, you turned away from him, about to walk away, crying more, feeling your heart ache.

     The feeling of being pulled back and realizing he still managed to pull you in bed with him made you upset. How dare he ignore you and your emotions?

     You struggled and flailed but he kept you in an embrace against his chest. After a minute of demanding you be released and trying to push away from him, you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed, stopping and crying in his chest. He held you gently and stared off into the wall, thinking about everything you had said and wondering why he couldn't see it before. Does that make him bad?

     "I love you with all of my heart, (Y/N). There is no doubt about that. I never intended to hurt you in any way. I hate myself cause I did. I hope you could forgive me. I would feel lost and incomplete without you in my life. If you were to leave, I feel I may give up on everything. I need you here." You pulled away slightly and looked up at him, tear filled eyes, red cheeks and lip slightly quivering.

     He locked eye contact with you and you saw fear in his eyes even though his expression seemed chilled on the outside.

     "I rather have you by my side than drown myself in work and worrying about catching up with files and reports. You're my priority and I promise you will always come first." You snaked your arms around his neck and gave him a long, deep kiss.

     He pulled away and placed a hand on your cheek as he wiped a single tear away.

     "I've found something golden with you. It'd be stupid to choose the dirt that's work over you." A smile crept on your face as you pulled him in for a hug, causing his face to be buried in your breasts. Far from minding, he nuzzled your chest and decided that this is where he will stay for the rest of the night.

     The silence didn't seem too bad anymore as you heard his soft breathing and light snores.

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