Wire x Reader

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"Welcome back! How was it?" You greeted the men as they came back from being absolute menaces in the towns local bar.

They were holding provisions and materials as they walked passed you, grumbling responses as they placed them down and retreated to their usual spots on the ship as the captain planned to sail off.

"Great conversation guys." You had been in charge of watching the ship while they were out in town and it were a long and boring day for you.

"(Y/N)." With a smile, you turned your head and met a certain man's gaze. A lazy smile appeared on his face as he motioned for you to follow him. You happily did so, trailing behind the tall, slender man.

"How was your time on the ship alone?"
"Less rowdy but it got lonely very soon after you guys left. I hate being the one to watch the ship when you guys are out shopping."
"It's not like we're shopping for luxuries. We're out there getting provisions for the ship and carrying back boxes and barrels. If you want, next time I'll switch with you."
"Hm?" You looked up at him as he looked down at you, smirking.
"I'll stay on the ship, sitting down, feet up while you are out with the captain. Carrying heavy things, making sure he doesn't make too much of a ruckus and making sure everyone gets back safely."
"Alright, point taken. But I still would like to go out and get some things. It's been like, 3 islands already I haven't been able to go. We're gonna be reaching a winter island soon and I need clothes."
"I know. Don't worry." The two of you reached the sleeping quarters where all the men slept. He resumed his place on his bed, laying on his stomach.

"Would you please?" He sounded so tired. With a dramatic sigh, you went on top of him and started massaging his back.

He slowly closed his eyes and groaned.

"Jeez, Wire... I'm gonna start charging you soon."
"What do you want as payment?"
"No deal."
"This time is free but don't expect the next time to be."
"Can you imagine what the captain would say if he saw me do anything weird to you out on the ship?"
"Don't call it weird. It's affection. I'm not asking you to profess your love. Just a simple kiss or maybe hold my hand."
"You suck."
"We both know-"
"Alright, stop." He chuckled as he slowly closed his eyes, enjoying your hands doing their magic on all of the knots he had in his shoulders.

"Fuck, (Y/N)." His low voice made you smirk. You placed your hands on his shoulders and leaned down to whisper in his ear.

"You tryna do something else right now?"
"Not in here you're not." You looked over and saw the rest of the guys come in and plop themselves down on their hammocks and beds.

"Don't be cock blocks." You hissed. Wire got up, lifting you in the process until you fell on to his bed.

"I think it's a good time for a nap." He laid down on his back and pulled you closer to him.

"But I wanna do other things with you." Your whisper made him chuckle as he pat your head.

"Another time. Today was rough." You stared at his face in awe.

His tan skin glowed under the slither of sun that had been peeking through part of the window. His lashes were actually pretty long and you envied how full they were as well. His lips were thin yet the memory of how soft they were on your own as well as your skin made you shudder a bit.

He opened one eye and looked at you.

"Are you cold?"
"No, just in love."
"Gross." He closed his eye again before smirking and pulling you closer to his chest, cuddling you gratefully.

Oh how he appreciated a wonder like you.

"Sleep, my love." Your heart raced at his words. A smile snuck its way on your features as you snuggled against his well built chest.

"I love you, Wire."

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