Zoro x Reader

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    Walking the dirt road, you couldn't help but wonder if the rumors were true. You wouldn't be surprised in the least.

     A group of people ran away from the direction you were heading towards, screaming about pirates this and wrecking the place that. Yup, they're definitely in town. You smirked and started sprinting in the direction from where people were coming from. With the crowds of people running, the roads felt tighter, squeezing passed men and women, all to see if your friends were in town.

     Finally making it to an old bar, you walked toward it but was instantly met with someone being tossed your way. You dodged and looked behind you, eyes falling on the poor soul that honestly probably tried to pick a fight with one of your friends and ended up losing. With a small chuckle you pushed passed the swinging doors and had your eyes land on 3 men with their backs facing you. The bartender behind the counter seemed shaken up and sweating. The poor man's clothes had been stained with another's blood.

     "I could've handled it, dumbass." The familiar strong voice abruptly said. The blonde man sighed before turning toward his crew mate and getting in his face, pointing his finger close to him.

     "What'd you say, moss head?!"
     "Man, I'm hungry after all of that!" No one had changed and you absolutely loved that.

     "Seems like I'm late to the party." Your voice made the men turn around swiftly before flashing you their smiles of excitement, disbelief and joy.

     "Hey, (Y/N)!" Luffy called out as he gave a childish wave from the stool.

     "(Y/N)!!~ You look as beautiful as ever!" Sanji sang as he danced towards you. Pushing him aside, you ran to Zoro and hugged him tightly.

     "I missed you so much!" Luffy smiled at the two of you and quickly turned his attention to the bartender, demanding food. Sanji dusted himself and scoffed, lighting a new cigarette.

     "I forgot you had bad taste in men."
     "What'd you say, shitty cook?!" The two, of course, started yapping at each other with you in between.

      "Enough, enough. I just want to enjoy everyone before we have to separate once more." Zoro stiffened a bit before sighing and turning toward the bars counter, taking a heavy sip from his beer. You knew he hated when you went on your own path from his but you two had different purposes to be out in sea and he knew this.

     Sanji retreated back to Luffy, who was currently eating everything the worker placed in front of him. Your hand laid on Zoros arm, smiling lovingly at the swordsman. He turned to you and gave a small smile.

     "I don't see why you won't travel with us."
     "I know but, you can travel with us and when the time comes where you want to go elsewhere and do your own thing again, you can." You laughed at his words, knowing all too well that was a lie.

     "Can I though? You and I both know it would make you even more upset if we were together for so long just to be separated again." He took another sip and shrugged. You watched him for a moment before retracting your hand and turning to face the bartender, ordering a drink for yourself.

     "Can you at least think about it?" His voice was low, almost like he was whispering hopefully.

     "I'll think about it." With a confident smile, he finished his drink and demanded another.


     After catching up with the trio, you walked back to the Sunny with them and was greeted by the rest of the Straw Hats.

     Seeing your friends again made you so happy. Nami complimented your outfit, Robin asked about your adventures, Usopp inquired about a new weapon he'd noticed strapped to you, Brooke asked you to show him your panties and Franky gushed at your compliments to the Sunny. You held Chopper, petting his head lovingly as you interacted with the crew.

     Zoro watched from afar and hoped you would accept the offer, knowing all too well that Luffy would be more than happy to have you aboard.

     "Hey when did you get that crazy scar?" Zoros attention went straight to Usopps question as he tried to analyze your body from where he stood. You gave an embarrassed laugh before tracing the scar that now painted your thigh.

     "I was out in sea one day and some pirates wanted to take what I had on my boat! The nerve of those low lives... but I'm okay. I obviously escaped and I had to fight one with devil fruit powers. He's the one who gave me the scar. They may have taken my food and berries but I escaped with my life." They all were shocked by the story while a certain green haired man was angered. You laughed it off and waved away their concerns.

     "Please don't worry. I'm quite alright." They accepted your nonchalant feeling towards the personal incident and decided that if you could laugh about it and be grateful you're still
breathing than they wouldn't linger on it.


     When the evening came, you laid on the sandy beach and looked up at the stars. You hadn't felt this at peace in such a long time.

"(Y/N)?" You didn't have to see who was calling.
"Come lay with me, please?" Brief silence before a grunt.

As he laid down beside you, he looked up at the stars as well and thought to himself. He never really appreciated the stars before, not as much as he had been in this moment whilst beside you.

"Zoro. I've been thinking."
"Yeah?" He sat up, feeling optimistic. Maybe a bit too optimistic.

"It's not the right time." His heart sank and any light that had been on his face had faded away with your crushing response.

"Why the hell not?! When is the right time?!" You looked up at him and had been shocked at his reply. The tone and emotion. Usually, he shows his displeasure, yes, but not like this.

He had became very frustrated at this point.

He missed seeing you every day. He missed your scent. He missed your kisses, your hugs, your compliments, your laugh, your smile. He missed every single little microscopic thing about you and it killed him to know you were out there in the world without him to protect you.

"Zoro..." He huffed, getting up from the sand and walking back to the ship.

"It won't be like this forever, Zoro..."


Early morning hit and you were now saying goodbye to your friends.

"Ugh! We'll miss you! I hope you join us next time for good!" Nami said as she hugged you.
"Yes, please join us next time. We would love to have you."
"Thank you, Robin. I definitely appreciate your words. I plan to join you all very soon as long as the captain of the ship would have me." You looked at Luffy, who had been grinning widely.

"You're invited to join my crew whenever! Haha! It would be so fun!"
"Yeah and Zoro would probably be happier! Yohohoho!"
"Speaking of, where is he?"
"That damn moss head is training." You gave a small smile before walking up to the training room.

"I would never, (Y/N)-chaaaannnn~"


As you entered the room, you saw Zoro meditating on the floor.

"I know you know this already, but... I'm off." He didn't say a thing. It hurt a bit but you knew he was hurting as well.

You walked to him and kneeled in front on him. He opened his eye and looked at you silently.

"Zoro, say something."
"Stay on the ship." You scoffed and smiled.

"Zoro, I promise... I will be back. I don't plan to die anytime soon. Besides," you crept closer to him and got really close to his face, throwing him off.

"I miss so much of you~" He felt your hand touch and caress his toned chest as you placed butterfly kisses on his cheek and neck.

"Oi! What if someone walked in!? I get it!" He pulled away, face as red as red hair Shanks.

A giggled escaped your lips as you dusted yourself off and headed to the door.

"I'll keep going for you if you keep going for me."

One Piece Various x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin