Crocodile x Reader

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"Welcome back home!" Your cheeks had been tinted pink as you greeted your husband. He seemed to have been pretty stressed, walking passed you, continuing his way to the living room of your home. You followed him and smiled.

"How have you been! I've missed you so much!" He lit a cigar and took a deep puff from it, exhaling the smoke before looking at you.

"The operation was a fail." Which would explain why he seemed so bothered.

"I'm so sorry. Are you hungry at least?"
"No." This saddened you. You've spent all day cooking and hoping to just have a wonderful evening with him but he seemed very uninterested.

"Okay. Well, do you wanna talk about it?"
"No." He snapped, more stern than before. You nodded and left him alone.

Maybe giving him some time alone will help.

You went in the kitchen and looked at the pots of food you had made for dinner. A sigh escaped your lips as you proceeded to put the food away, hoping he would at least eat tomorrow.

"Oh, maybe he would want some tea to relax?" You smiled and walked back to where he sat. His eyes were closed and he was still smoking his cigar.

"Croccy, I know you're stressed so maybe you would like a cup of tea to help you relax?"
"When do you know me to even drink tea?"
"Oh. I just wanted to help. Tea is a-"
"You keep asking me these questions and for the most part I've been saying no to everything. How about you stop asking foolish questions." Your heart sank.

"I-I just wanted to help..."
"What would help is if you left me alone for the night." You knew the operation was a fail but why was he taking it out on you? Were you being annoying? You just wanted to make him comfortable and less stressed.

"Do you really want that?"
"Would I have said it if I didn't want that?" He turned his body a bit and glared at you.

"Okay..." You held back tears but he knew all too well.
"You're gonna cry?! For what?!" You jumped at his angry tone.

All you could do was stand there, on the verge of crying from how he were treating you and speaking to you. He scoffed and laid down on the couch.

You started to cry and excused yourself to the bedroom.

As soon as the bedroom door closed, you let it all out.

He groaned and sighed, rubbing his forehead angrily.

"Why am I like this..." His low voice rasped as he heard you cry from behind the closed door.


You tried to calm down but you just couldn't.

He was always a bit salty but that had been too much.

Usually, he would greet you with a kiss or a hug and even if he didn't eat and speak with you about what happened while he had been gone, he would at least just hold you or allow you to just show him some physical affection.

He seemed so annoyed with you. It made you really think hard if you were being too overwhelming towards him.

You cried more, hugging the pillow that had been in his side of the bed.

Maybe you should apologize for being too much for him? Part of you denied that. You just wanted to help. The other part had been trying to convince you otherwise.

Your eyes felt heavy and you eventually cried yourself to sleep.


The guilt in his heart made him upset at himself. After hearing you cry for such a long time, he wanted to comfort you but didn't know how to go about it.

When the house had been silent once more, he extinguished his 3rd cigar and made himself into the bedroom.

As the door slowly opened, he saw that the room had only been illuminated by a candle and the moonlight.

He had been able to see you laying in bed.

"(Y/N)?" His tone betrayed him. He sounded weak, as if he were in trouble.

When he were about to call out again, he got closer and saw you were sleeping, hugging his pillow. There were tear stains on your cheeks and still some near your closed eyes.

You had cried yourself to sleep.

He felt like complete shit.

Joining you in bed, he pulled the pillow away from you carefully, not wanting to wake you. He failed.

You stirred a bit and looked up at him.

"Oh. I'll move."
"No." You gave him a worried look, as if he were gonna yell at you again. He plopped down next to you and roughly pulled you to his chest.

"I'm sorry I'm such an asshole." You couldn't help but cry softly into his chest and you buried your face in it. He held you as you cried, gently petting your head.

"I love you." He rarely said it but he did now.

You stopped and looked at him. He didn't look at you.

"I love you too." You snuggled up to him and wiped your tears away.

"Don't be mean again, please. I'm not used to you looking at me like that and yelling at me."
"I'm sorry." You pushed away from his chest and smiled at him. How did he ever end up with  something so pure?

You made his heart race. He watched as you came closer, brushing your lips against his.

Your gentle touch to the ex-warlord made him forget all of his problems.

"You're too good to me, (Y/N)." He embraced you once more, not wanting to let go of you.

"I love you a lot, Crocodile. I will always be good to you."

When Crocodile felt loved, he felt aroused.

His golden hook slid down your back then tore your shirt open as he slid it back up. You gasped and pushed away from him, hands resting on his chest.

"My shirt, Croccy!"
"I'll buy you 5 more in different colors." Your heart skipped a beat as he pushed you down on the bed and climbed on top of you.

"Let me show you how sorry I really am." His low, seductive voice cooed as his hook rested on the headboard and his hand caressed your cheek.

"Convince me to forgive you~" A smirk played on his lips.

Long story short, you forgave him.

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