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Adesua in the media ❤🦋


We were all called to the field ground for some important thingy. This time around it wasn't the game master addressing us, it was the two principals.

"Okay, as you all know, our camp would be coming to an end this week, by Friday evening you all would be resting in your fathers house." The principal of Winners high announced.

A staff was behind him with two baskets, which I remembered as the ones in which we dropped our phones.

"So as you can see behind me are two baskets and this baskets contain your phones"

I heard some people mutter in excitement.

"Omo, after like forever, I'm finally reuniting with my babyyyyyy" Dami squealed lowly behind me.

"I don't have much to say. All I can say now is be good teens" He announced.

"Oh and least I forget, we'll be having a camcation party. That's camp plus vacation, mix together it's camcation" He said, trying to make a joke.

They were tremendous screams coming from the whole students, including me.

"Now, I dismiss you" The principal said and left.

"You all should form two lines to get your phones, no fighting, no pushing, if you are out of your line you'll have to go back to the last line." The staff with the basket of phones announced.

We quickly formed two lines in front of the staff.


"I can't believe I was away from you for a whole month, oh baby I missed you so much" Dami said with so much ecstasy in her tone.

"If someone said I'll be away from my phone for one freaking month I could slapped that person" Adesua said, then she carried the phone like a baby and began to pet it. "Oh baby, I promise not to leave your side again" She said with a motherly voice.

"Coming from a person who won an iPhone just this week" Faith scoffed mockingly.

"I just got the iPhone but I've had my Redmi for as long as three months" She defended.

"Just three months, and I was here thinking that you've had it for five years" Zainab said.

"This girl can't live without a phone at all" Faith laughed out.

"I can, I lived without it for a month plus" She defended.

"Yeah right" Faith said with much sarcasm.

"Who's ready to party tonight" Jane squealed as she busted into the room.

"Who isn't, we should start selecting our dresses if we wanna look posh" Faith said.

"We all ran to our bags, trying to fish out our best clothes.

James POV 💪

I sat down, looking at nothing particular but a thin space, the guys were sitting by my sides laughing and gisting about what I didn't wanna know or care about.

I was thinking about her, Lauretta.

I planned to confess my feelings to her at the Camcation party but it was gonna be difficult since I would also confess about the bet too, cause that shit has been freaking eating me up.

"I'm gonna tell her" I voiced out unknowingly. The guys stopped their gist and looked at me, confused.

"Excuse me?" Jake furrowed his eyes.

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