Chapter 1: Gossip

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"You four will now be stationed at UA.  As both teachers, and students.  We have arranged this with Principal Nezu.  Dazai, Chuuya, you will be teachers.  Atsushi, Akutagawa, you will be transferring as first year students.  Do you understand?"

"Yes boss!" The ivory tipped raven and short ginger exclaimed.

"Of course President!"  The bandaged brunette and youth with uneven grey hair and a black streak on the right side affirmed.

The older men with grey and greasy black hair smiled at their subordinates, knowing they would do a good job.


"OMG!  Have you heard of the new transfer students?!"  The pink girl gossiped with Hakagure.

The invisible girl responded, "Of course!  I've even heard that they're from another country!"

"Really?" The round faced brunette asked.

"Ya, but I dunno What country they are from though". Mina frowned.

"Me neither". Hakagure sighed.

"Okay, let's get class started."  Mr. Aizawa deadpanned.  "So, as some of you might have heard, we will be getting some transfer students.  They will arrive at the dorms this afternoon.  They will be accompanied by two new teachers that are also coming from their hometown.  Be nice to them.  That means you Bakugou."

The class laughed as he yelled, "Hauh!?"

"On with the day now.  We will..."


The classes dorm area was busy while it's occupants cleaned so as to make a good impression to the new students that should soon be arriving. 

"Alright everyone!"  Iida chopped his arm.  "This should be clean enough.  Let us eat dinner, then we can have free time!"

As the class parted ways, the girls decided to watch a movie, and as usual, dragged the entire class into watching it with them.  Mid-way through the movie, Aizawa came in.
Iida shot up from his place on the couch and yelled, "Mr. Aizawa, what brings you to the dorms this lovely evening!"

Aizawa sighed.  He answered, "The two new teachers have gotten held up at the the teachers dorms.  Due to this, I am obligated to to introduce you to the new students."  As he said this, two boys, who looked a little old too old to be in their class entered the dorms.  One had uneven grey hair.  The right side drooped down at a odd angle and he had a deep black streak.  He seemed a little nervous, but he held his head high, determined.

The other boy had symmetrical black hair with ivory tips.  His face and body were unreadable.  No one could even dream of what was going on in his head.  His skin was pale to the point of worry, but they could tell he wasn't weak.

"Class," Aizawa announced, " meet your new classmates, Atsushi Nakajima and Ryuunoske Akutagawa."

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