The forest incident

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Looks at her Haseena's face Megha ask her Boss.

M: What happen ma'am? Is there any problem?

With the dull face Haseena replied,

HM: No, Megha. For the next deal I have to go to there again!

M: Where ma'am?

HM: My home town. Where I never wanted to return.

M: ok, I will book our tic.....

HM: No,no Megha. For this deal I want to go there alone.

M: But ma'am you are not.....

HM: No more arguments.

M: Sorry ma'am.

HM: You may leave now.

M: Yes ma'am.

HM: And one more thing, if I'm late that means I want to stay here for some more time. No need to call me. Am I clear?

M: Yes, ma'am.

The very next day Haseena left from her house town. After landing on the airport she left for her hotel. After taking some rest she gulped some pills and took her important files in a bag and left for her meeting.

After of more than three hours long meeting shi got the deal . On the way back to her hotel her car suddenly got stopped. She got down from the car and sow that one of the four tires got puncher. With an irritated face she took her phone and bag and stand beside the car. Between the deal spot and the hotel there was a forest aria where the car got puncher.

While walking she informed that her car got puncher there are told the rent company to take the car and send an another one.And she would paid on-line. When she got no response she started walking.

While walking she was looking for some public transport but all in vain. In next 10 minutes it became difficult to walk for her.

Her legs started paining and she stay panties heavily. Her was having unbearable pain in her chest ribs. She fall down on her knees. She quickly opens her bag and took out some pills and water and gulped them down and also splashed some water on her face. After sometimes she was feeling better cause her breathing and pain was getting normal. Sometimes later she slowly stood up and manage to walk slowly.

From when her car got puncher and she started walking, she was feeling someone was following her. But she thought it was her imagination and ignore it cause it was so common thing for her nowadays.

Her chain of though got broken when he cell rang with the name of 'ARMAN'
Looking at the caller id she rolled her eyes, and answer it with an annoying

HM: Hello! ( with less interest)

A: I told you to not travel alone then why...

HM (cuts him): I know man! Why you have called me just say it!

A: Hasu, you can't talk to me like that. I'm your...

HM ( cuts again) : I know, I know you are one of the top 5 Dr's in Asia!
" Dr. Arman The Great".

She said dramatically. And he rolled his eyes.

A: Hasu! I'm your friend yaar! Show some respect man!

HM: I was just showing you that. But you stopped me yourself.

A: Ok ,baba! I'm sorry! Is it ok?

HM: Now listen, I know why you have called me. I'm taking all the rubbish things. I always had to gulp the taste less, beater pills only for you. Now don't call me until I call you back, ok?

A: ok...ok! Bye, take care!

Arman's POV:

Hi, guys! I'm Arman here! And I was talking to my best friend. But my bad luck I am not her best friend. She is some other ones bestie. And she is mad about her. Let it be.

I want to share something with you guys. She is more than best friend to me. I mean, she is my love interest. I love her. But she have the oil useless neurons!!! She is a very big name in the business would but stupid. She don't understand my feelings. And, I am idiot talking all this! I don't even have the courage of confession. And, yes! This is ME!

That's it for to day!
Hope you guys will like the part and also ARMAN! If you like then let me know!!!

Bye, bye sweet readers 💖! Take care!!!

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