A Surprise For You

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Haseena screamed at the top of her lounge cause her whole body was burning. She opens her eyes slowly and looked at Karishma who has thrown a pot full of boiling water on her. Haseena can clearly see the heat and rage towards her in Karishma's eyes. Haseena's whole body was paining. But the pain was fo separation with her sole was nothing infront of it's . Karishma throw the pot a side.

KS: How can you sleep peacefully after
snatching my peace of life!!!

Saying this she goes out of the room and and bring some packets and one plate. And a smirk grows on her face, and says,

KS: Something special for you,
       Miss. Destroyer of my life!

Haseena feel a pang in her HEART after hearing Karishma addressing her with those words.

What is Karishma going to do with "Haseena".   Next?!


     Don't be sad I am still here 😉

Karishma pour all the things which was inside the packet on the plate. And after that she started to mixing up the white and red powder. Haseena was seeing all this with half open eyes. Rather there was pain full smile on her lips that she didn't understand her but there was an another kind of satisfaction in her eyes that at list her "KRISHU" was sharing her pain, her hate, her anger, her feelings with her. She was happy with it, and in so much pleasure by seeing her life line after so many days.

Haseena wasn't handcuffed anymore.

Karishma turn towards Haseena with rage full eyes with the plate in her right hand. Seeing Haseena smiling her anger increase more and more.

KS: You shameless woman! How can you still smile? Haaa? You are just incredible!!!

Then she grabbed the plate which have the mixed powder of salt and red chilli powder and sat on honey's in front of hassina's face.

KS(fake smile) : I have a special gift for  you ma'am!

And her fake smile turn into a evil smirk. And she grabbed Haseena's collier and pull them to there opposite direction and all the button just fall down on the floor. She then pulled the shirt off from Haseena's body. Haseena just "hiiss" in this action, cause the last days torture was so much and before it could heal an another dose was the boiling hot water.

Then Karishma took the plate and grab one feastful of the powder and started rubbing it on Haseena's. It was
burning like someone has Putin some burning cole on her arms and back and cause of that she started screaming.

She was screaming when I applied the powder on her arms and back. I should be happy seeing her in pain but don't know why I wasn't feeling peace.

She just snatched all my happiness. She just snatched the smile of my face. Just cause of her my Ronak is no more
by my side. Just cause of her my Ruhi can't walk anymore. She just gave me some kind of injury that none can see with unbearable pain.

Then when she is in pain why can't I feel pleasure why can't I see tears in her eyes even now!

In in frustration she bought a bucket of cold water and throw on Haseena's body giving some relief of that burning sensation. She took some breath of relief.

Unable to see her condition Karishma just strommed out of there. She was unable to understand her feelings.

KS( to herself): What's happening to me? She just destroyed my life! I should hate her. I want to trouble her . That's why I bought her here. But, I also can't see her in pain.

On the other side:

After sometime of relief Haseena started to feel cold cause that water was ice cool. Some how she grabbed her shirt and wrap it around her body to get some warmness.

Her bone joining pain and headache was back again. And this cold was like oil in the fire. She was shivering not only cause of cold but also cause of high fever. Yes she was burning in fever. She was used to this regular fever but the body pain and headache was unbearable for her.

She was having 104°F. And cause of that she again became unconscious.

So that's for today.
Can hate me if you want but everything happened for a reason try to find out it.

Good bye lovely readers and take care. Love you all 😉

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