The coffee incident

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vanshikabijlani this part is for you my friend 😅!

I was shaken up by Krishu violently from my deep sleep.

HM: Krishu don't disturb me.

KS: Hasi! Look what I have made?!

HM: Hmmmm....😴

KS: Hasi!! Look na! Open your eyes!

HM: Krishu I just sleep at 4:45 in the morning after a busy day as hell. I'm tired. Please let me sleep 💤 And I also have a meeting at 10:30 in the morning!

KS: I know! That's why I have made this for you. Now test it and say how is it! And Ma'am it's already 9:00 am!!!

HM: What!? Oh No, I will get late! I have to check all the files and documents before that meeting! And also........

KS: Hasi! Calm down... Calm down!!

HM: What calm down!? I need to go to the office and.....

KS: Hasi it's only 6:30! I lied to you.

And bust out laughing. Here I was staring at her with strine face. So she controlled her laughter and give me a mug. I first looked at the mug and then Krishu's smiley face with so much excitement.

For the first time she made something. It surprised me. I took the mug with a smile on my face.

KS: I know, you are so busy. You have started such a big company and the pressure is so much. I often in late night sow the light's on of your study room. And I know about your today's meeting, which is very much improvement for you. So I thought to make some coffee for you with my own hands and wish you good luck. No sip it and say how is it!?

After taking the first sip I just close my eyes and feel the test. I open my eyes and found Krishu was crossing her finger and was hopefully looks. I just smiled and seeing me smiling she takes a breath of relief.

After finishing half of the coffee I keep the mug on the side table and asked Krishu not to touch the mug and left for shower. When I came out of the bathroom I sow Krishu was going to sip the coffee. I scarmed in the top of my lungs.

HM: NOOOO.......

But I was late. As soon as Krishu sip the coffee she spilled out it with a disgusting face and look to me with a anger look. AND...... The very next moment I was laying on the floor and she was on my stomach by grabbing my collar and was glaring at me!!!

KS: How dare you lied to me?

HM: Sorry! Please! I.......

KS: Shut up! When that rubbish was restless and full of salt and spicy 🌶️ then why didn't you tell me!?

[So it's the tall before that Biryani incident. Now Karishma didn't know how to cook 😅😁 please accepted it 😉]

HM: Sorry! I didn't wanted to hurt you! It was the first time when you made something and also for me. So.....

KS: So what !? You would have told me and I could have made that once again .

HM: But you had made that with lots of love and care and good luck wishes. Then how could I have told you to make that again?!!!

Krishu left my collar and stud up from my stomach. And left the room with a grumpy face. I got that, she was upset with me.

Your writer here!
I know someone of yours in mind may have the question that in the previous part Krishu made Biryani. Then in this part how she don't know how to make coffee.

For that I have made some changes in the previous part. If you want you can check out. And thanks for reading ❤️

Hay my lovely readers! Don't think I have finished my story in my dairy! 😁
Actually someone required me to post a part so here it is. I know it's a little cheaper. But please try to understand 😃

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