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Related to previous part

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Related to previous part.....

Even on the breakfast table Karishma wasn't talking, not even looking at me. That's when a massage popped in my phone.

Massage:" Eat fast! I also have works. First I will drop you at your office then I will go to my place."

HM ( in mind) : Baap re ! She's really very much angry with me! Yes I agree I also have some fault in this! But now I have to cheer up her mood. And also before that meeting.

There were very less vehicles in that area cause it's a forrest kind of place. In side to car.

I was continuously trying to talk with Krishu but she was just ignoring me. So I became silence for a moment and sat like a n obedient child/kid in my sit. After sometimes something stick in my head and I smile sheepishly. I removed my sit belt and move close to Krishu and place a small kiss in her neck and earlobe.

Sorry guys if you mind at it 😅😁

And cause of this shock she applied a hard brake and cause of the force I hit myself with the windshield so hard.

And, Krishu!?
She was still in the trance of the shock with open mouth and wide open eyes!!!

Here, poor me! Was continuously rubbing my side of the head and nose which have became rad dew to the hit!!!

KS( in a sarcastic and a low voice) : Hasi ! I'm definitely going to throw the charge's of MOLESTATION on you!!! ( without looking at me)

After seeing her reaction I can't hold myself and bust out laughing holding my paining nose! And my little Krishu was steering at me with a strange look. I some how stop myself but again bust out seeing her face! ( Don't know why I'm feeling my best friend is steering at me like KS is looking at HM😅😁) And sometimes later suddenly me laughter got vanished by her angery eyes.

HM: Aaa .....

Before I could say anything she cuts me.

KS: I was angry with you! And here you are doing this....(with a disgusted face) this kind of thing!!!

HM( with a bright smile): You said 'I was' ! That means you have forgiven me!?

KS( confused): When did I said that!?

HM: But you only said na, that 'I was' !

She gave me a stare and I just shut my mouth.

KS: OK, now answer me. Do you remember why I was angry on you?

And I give her a shameless smile by showing my all glittering teeth. And she made a frustrated look and controlled her anger.

KS: Like, WOW!!!!! Now I also have to tell you that why I was angry on you!!! Just WOW!!!

HM: OH..... Yes... Yes... I remember why you was angry on me! I never shares my problemssss......

I immediately stop stops when I realise what I was saying! And got a death glare from my Krishu!

Hay! You!!! Yes you! I'm talking to you! I know you are here!

I also want you to share your problems with me! Like I share my every problem with you!
I'm not asking I'm ordering you to share your problems with me!!! Understand 😒!!!

Sorry guys this was for my "Krishu" !!!

KS: You know what?! I just hate this habit of yours that you never shares your problems with me!

And a little angry on her face see again started the journey.

HM: Ok baba! Please forgive me. I don't want to go on my first meeting by seeing your this little angry face! Please give me a cute smile! For me!?

But she was still silence.

HM: Pyesssse( please) !

And she just throw a sweet smile for which I can do anything!!!

HM: But you know one thing!?

Karishma looked to her.

HM: For criminal's no need of your Bhaukaal!!! One sip of your coffee is enough 😂. They will spilled out everything without any tantrums.

And bust out laughing! But stoped when she sow Karishma was glaring at me. But soon we both bust out laughing. After sometimes she said to me.

KS: But promise me on thing!

HM: Just say it my life is your highness!!!

KS: Promise me that from today you will share with me your every problems your are facing!

HM(a pleasant smile): I promise!!!

Haseena grade out loudly remembering the sweet moments.

HM: Sorry Krishu!!! I broke my promise! I'm so sorry!!!

So here ended the last flashback!
Hope you enjoyed 😅
If there is anything bothering you guys then let me know and my best to improve my riding skills!

And don't think that I have finished my writing in my diary. Sorry for that!

I'm just updating cuz I feel like I should update before my exam starts and I will try my best to finish that story as soon as possible.

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