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It is my great honour to present to you: 

Shadows of a Broken Past!

This is an Empires SMP series I will be starting today! This story has been an idea of mine since around the end of Empires SMP season one (so about January 2022) and it's been in the works and development for maybe a few months or so. I created so much and expanded the already amazing world of Empires into this story, which later evolved into a series. 

I wouldn't say it's an AU exactly, but it has my own sort of plot and new characters so it might in your eyes. 

(Also if you could figure out who said each thing in the blurb, well done! You can put your guesses here in the comments and I'll reveal later which one was correct!)

I thought before we start, I'd give you a few things to know in advance such as ships and siblings! So here they are: 


Jizzie (Joel x Lizzie)

Flower Husbands (Scott x Jimmy)

Nature Wives (Katherine x Shelby)

 Jornoth (Joey x Xornoth)

Scarian (Scar x Grian, very minimal this book)

Sibling Relations: 

Seablings (Lizzie and Jimmy)

Elf Twins (Scott and Xornoth)

Roseblings (fWhip, Sausage and Gem)

Feather Siblings (Pearl and Grian [Dyonis x Gilda] and Joey and Tigger [Demeris x Gilda])

Sand trio (Pixl, Kelpie and Kelsie)

Parental relations: 

Jimmy and Kaeri(Jimmy adopted Kaeri, who is an elf-Oceanfolk hybrid)

I currently have no set posting schedule as I have hardly anything done thus far, but it will be here eventually!

As for using my plot or characters, please ask beforehand or at the very least credit me for it! Crediting me for any use is a must!

As you might be able to tell, reading my creation stories helps out a lot as some of these characters -and ones introduced later on- have been mentioned in those stories, but it isn't required. 

Anyhow, I hope you guys enjoy this book! And without further ado....

Shadows of a Broken Past(Book 1): A Shard of Faith

The brother named darkness will rise once again to battle the Empires. One who follows will turn away, the other spellbound to follow, captivated by his heart's desire. A dragon killed to set the demon free will rise by the wizard's hand once more. Light will fall to vanquish darkness, secrets revealed in the midst of war. 

Shadows of a Broken Past: A Shard of Faith (Book one)Where stories live. Discover now