Chapter 7:

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"WHAT?" Pearl shrieked, her wings flapping and causing her to lift off the ground. "I'm WHAT?"

'Already? That was swifter than I thought-'

"I'm saying the truth." Emery said, raising her hands defensively. "You're expecting." 

Pearl listed against the headboard of her bed, her dress fanned out around her. "I'm going to have a baby?" She whispered almost fearfully. "How?"

'Why now?

"You had an intimate night with someone. Do you know w-" The queen cut her off. 

"I know anatomy, Emery, I'm well aware, I'm just startled. Now, I need you to go back to your home and fetch Gem. I don't care what she's doing, tell her I sent you and I need to speak with her." Pearl said firmly. 

Emery nodded and vanished with a quick spell. As soon as she was gone, Pearl grabbed her communicator. 


Katherine, Lizzie and Shelby, can you come to Gilded Helianthia at your quickest convenience? I have to talk to you.


Of course! I'll be there as soon as possible. 


I'll be there as well. Is everything okay?


Oh yes, just- a surprise


I'm already halfway there- I was at Jimmy's discussing an alliance. 


All good friend? 


Yes I'm good don't worry

Pearl set her communicator down and sighed, closing her eyes tiredly. 

'I hope this goes well.'


"Queen Pearl? Lady Katherine of House Blossom has arrived. May I show her in?" Annabelle asked, peering through the door. 

"Send her in." Pearl said, twitching her wings from her seat on her bed. "And Lizzie and Shelby when they arrive, please, Annabelle."

Annabelle nodded and bowed respectfully before stepping back. Katherine slipped in, fluttering just above the ground, her shimmering fairy wings beating so quickly they were a glittering blur. 

"Pearl!" The fairy smiled at her, flicking her silky tail. "How good to see you. What is it?" 

"Sit. We must-" Pearl was stopped short. 

"Helloooooo~" Singsonged Lizzie joyfully, walking into the room and grabbing Katherine's hand, spinning the fairy Queen of House Blossom around with a laugh. "I'm here!" She let Katherine go and leaned over to hug Pearl, who couldn't help but smile at her friend's joy. 

"Hello, Lizzie." Pearl said. "Lovely to see you." 

Lizzie sat beside her and leaned on her hands. "Sooooo~ exciting news or sad new?"

"Neither. More like....very.... shocking news." Pearl said carefully. 

"Oooh, can you tell us?" Lizzie asked. 

Shadows of a Broken Past: A Shard of Faith (Book one)Where stories live. Discover now