Chapter 1:

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Pearl smiled, standing in the middle of her wheat field, surveying the work she and her citizens had accomplished. "Well done everyone! Sun shall be setting soon, you can all head home." She called, and her people turned and started making their way home. 

"My liege!" One of her ladies-in-waiting hurried forward. 

"Annabelle? What troubles you?" Pearl asked, turning to look at her. 

"A message. Kaye is flying in." The girl, Annabelle, bowed a little, but Pearl stopped her. 

"Annabelle, there's no need for that. You are my equals." She said, smiling, and then looked up to see that her messenger Kaye indeed had a letter for her. "Kaye! What news do you bring?" Pearl asked, flying up to meet her. 

"I bring a message from the esteemed King Scott of Rivendell." Kaye informed her, handing her the letter and hovering, watching. 

"I wonder what Scott could need me for?" Pearl wondered aloud, opening the letter. 

'Dear Pearl, 

We are having a summit of the emperors this evening and it would be kind of you to grace us with your presence.' 

She skimmed the formal section of the letter, finally reaching the handwritten part. 

'Pearl! I know this is short notice but we could use your advice today. The summit has important relevance for the future, and I think it high time I told you and the others something I should have long ago. But I can't say here, where prying eyes may watch. I'll see you tonight.' 

'King Scott of Rivendell.'

Pearl frowned. "Hm. Thank you, Kaye. Ladies, you are free to go about your evening, I have a meeting to attend." She looked out over the glowing fields and sighed. "I'll most likely not be home this evening. I'll be here tomorrow." She turned and pocketed the letter, waving farewell to her assistants before flying to Mythland just over the ridge. 

As she landed there was a great commotion and someone shouted out, "The lady of Gilded Helianthia!" and there was a surge of people towards her. Pearl yelped and shot up into the sky again. 

"When did I become such an attraction?" Pearl wondered, adjusting her sunflower crown. 

"Since we started." She spun around and smiled. 

"Sausage." She greeted, soaring down to meet him on the balcony. When she landed, he hugged her with a smile. 

"Pearl." A small yapping noise came from their feet and they looked down. 

"Bubbles." They chorused and burst out laughing as the small dog jumped around them, yipping and yapping. Pearl smiled and leaned down to pick her up and settled her in her arms. 

"Hey sweet pup." Pearl cooed, walking inside with the dog in her arms and Sausage's arm around her shoulders. "So, did you get a message from Scott about the meeting today?" She asked as they sat down in a couch. 

"Yes, I did. I wonder what it could be about?" Sausage said. 

"I don't know. But hopefully it isn't something of great concern." Pearl mused. "I was hoping to get some design work out of the way tonight."

Sausage smiled. "How about you stay over tonight?" He suggested. "I can help with floorplans and other things." 

Pearl smiled back. "Sure. I'd like that." 

"Great! I'll go get my assistants and get your room ready." 

"That....won't be required." Pearl said. "I think tonight should be a bit more special, would't you think?" She sent him a coy smirk. 

Shadows of a Broken Past: A Shard of Faith (Book one)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें