Chapter 16:

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Lizzie's fins flattened to her head. The wizard before them was sat unusually calmly, still and silent, for having just been exposed as the holder –no, the taker- of Katherine's soul, Katherine's spirit, Katherine herself. Her fingers were toying with the crystal pendant on the chain around her neck, tiny wisps of red smoke spiralling up to her eyes. 

Her eyes.

Gem's gloriously green eyes were now a crimson darker than the wool of a blood sheep. They glowed eerily under the brim of her hat, piercing each and everything in the room. Her fingers coiled around the staff she always carried, a sign of her willingness to fight.

"Gem?" FWhip asked cautiously, as Shelby sprang in front of the fairy hybrid's 'sleeping' form. "Gemma?"

Gem let out a chuckle. "This 'Gemma' you speak of no longer exists." She said rather scornfully. "I am a servant to Xornoth and the Mighty One."

Pearl shrank away behind her half-brother, eyes wide, and Stella hid herself behind her wings. Scott seemed rather wilted at the mention of his brother.

Gem stood up slowly, smoothing her skirt down and adjusting her overcoat. "I know each...." She said softly, eyes dancing over everyone in the room before landing on Scott, who shifted uncomfortably, and then Pearl, who's golden wings flicked to her stomach. "And every one of your secrets." She shook her head with a sharp cackle. "But perhaps the truth of how a life, a precious life, is snuffed out, would be better." Her eyes gleamed with fire. "It is my great honour to reveal to you all that the method you found in the book is incorrect." She turned away. "But I'm feeling generous today. I will give you one hour to save your friend. But once that hour is up, I will return. And I will not be so giving." With that, the wizard vanished out the door.  

Left in silence, the emperors were stunned. Then Shelby burst into tears.

"Shelby!" Lizzie was at the gnome's side in an instant. "Shrub what's the matter?"

Shelby let out a sorrowful wail. "I could have stopped this!" She cried, tears streaming down her face. "I could have kept Katherine safe...."

"We still have time." Lizzie murmured reassuringly, arms tight around her.

"Only an hour." Shrub sobbed, letting Shadow nuzzle her and curl up next to the gnome. "An hour isn't enough time to get her back."

"Yes it is." Pearl sat beside her, hugging Shelby. "It'll be enough time."

Lizzie pressed her face into Shelby's hair, feeling tears prick her eyes. Worry was the biggest feeling in the room, she could feel it. Her tail swished nervously, eyes sorrowful.

Jimmy spoke up suddenly. "What are we standing around here for? We only have an hour!" His tail lashed, accidentally thwacking Scott in the leg.

Pix nodded. "Jimmy's right; we need to get a move on with this." Immediately everyone sprang to attention, grabbing a book to skim over for hopeful answers as Lizzie, Pearl and Shadow attempted to calm Shrub down.

"Jimmy, can you translate this for me?" Joey asked, glancing up at him. "I can't understand this, and you're well-read in languages."

Jimmy leaned over, scanning the text, and Lizzie noticed the way Scott's fingers clenched around the edge of his book. The Ocean Queen raised an eyebrow but said nothing, moving to sit with Joel.


It took maybe fifteen-twenty minutes to find anything.

"Spirit Revival, Daze Break....Aha! Soul Steal." Joel showed Stella the page. "Take a look here maybe."

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