Chapter 15:

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Joey tossed and tossed turned, his sheets becoming stick with sweat. 'Come to me, Parrot-Feather King,' The voice called, soft, alluring. 'Come to me.'

Joey sat up, snapping; "I won't go!" In a harsh voice, one hand flying to the crown of twisted black and red wood resting on his head. "You want my crown, I know it!"

But the voice repeated again, 'Come to me, Joey.'

Joey launched out of bed, his wings flaring and his tail feathers whipping around him. "Leave me be!" He shouted.

A soft knocking came from the door. "My king?" A sweet voice rang out. "Is everything okay?" Upon hearing the voice Joey just about burst into tears.

"Mother!" He wailed.

The door creaked open and Ryo, his bodyguard, raised an eyebrow. "My king?" He repeated, snapping Joey from his thoughts. "I-I'm afraid your mother hasn't been with us for several years-"

"OUT!" Joey roared, before whimpering like a sick puppy.

Ryo nodded obediently, stepping back and whispering something just loud enough for the king to hear. "Leopard-foot Princess, I believe the king will be visiting the grave of her Majesty Queen Gilda soon. Please prepare it for him."

Joey felt as though he should chastise his guard and sister-in-law, but he refrained from it. Ryo knew him too well. He stood up, flinging his cloak on and tying his sash around his waist to hide his tail feathers. Even though it had been over ten years since his molt, he was still uncomfortable with them.

He, true to Ryo's prediction, was off to the graveyard to visit his mother.

Gilda had been buried in a secluded part of the forest, away from the usual burial grounds. With the help of his half-sister Pearl they had located the supposed gateway to the fabled 'City in the Clouds' that had been ruled thousands of years ago by the 'Griffin Slayer'. It was the only way they could think to keep her close to the clouds.

Joey stepped out, eyes flashing. He strode through his home, eyes dark and angry and glaring at everyone he passed. The tears on his face had dried by now, salty tracks left in their place, but Joey had no intention of removing them. If they were to insult their ruler, chosen by the Heavens themselves, so be it.

He stepped into the forest, following the winding path. A few flowers were dotted here and there, along the path and in the forest nearby, vines crawling over the well-trodden trail as he trampled them again. Even the bright song of the parrots had faded and the growls of ocelots and wildcats hushed.

As he walked through the forest with a slightly sulky air, he heard the voice again.

'Why wander you so, Joey? Come to me, I have a safe haven for you to rest in.'

Joey snarled, springing into flight and shooting down the path. He clutched at his head, his tail feathers streaming out behind him like the tail of a shooting star. "Won't you leave me be?!" He snapped, eyes wild.


"Because I want my mother!" Joey finally exploded. "I want her to come back to me but she won't!" He came to a stop in front of Gilda's grave. "Nothing will bring my mother back to me." He whimpered, falling to his knees.

It was as though time itself had stopped. The birdsong faded to a soft hum in the background, the trees stilled, the sunlight and shadow freezing on the forest ground. The smell of delilahs and lilacs filled the air, and resting by the grave itself was a bouquet of sunflowers, sakura blooms and azure bluets. Joey rubbed his face. It was likely that Pearl had left it on her last visit to the grave, which must have been recently due to the flowers being vibrant-coloured and fresh, not wilted and dull.

Shadows of a Broken Past: A Shard of Faith (Book one)Where stories live. Discover now