Chapter 14:

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Pearl straightened up sharply, a twisting feeling in her chest. She raised one hand to the aching spot, eyes widening slightly from the startling, stabbing pain. 

"My liege?" Pearl's closest attendant, Annabelle, shot up from her search for a pearl necklace in the queen's jewels. "What is the matter? Chest pain?"

Pearl sighed, waving her off. "I'm fine." She said, a bit sharply.

Annabelle shrank back. "M-my sincerest apologies, my lady." She stuttered. "I'm sorry." 

Pearl sighed and tilted her head back slightly, raising both arms back up again and letting her attendants dress her -rather overly ceremoniously- in a long golden gown that fell just to her ankles and tying her hair up in an elaborate hairstyle. "It's my fault, Anna. I'm sorry." 

Annabelle hesitated before going to clasp a pearl necklace around her neck. "Are you excited for today, your majesty?" 

Pearl paused. "To be honest with you, no." She sucked a breath in as another lady pulled the drawstrings of the dress' corset tight. "I'm not." 

"Why ever not?" 

Pearl shifted one foot to let Annabelle tighten her shoe. "Because I don't like the attention." She said. "Much less from my father, who no doubt is going to demand to know when I'll be married...." Annabelle straightened and started tying a golden silk sash around Pearl's waist. 

"But it will be good to see your brother again, is it not?" Annabelle remarked. 

"It.... It will be, yes." Pearl said, trying to move past the subject of her older brother, Grian. "But I digress." 

Annabelle chuckled. "I see. May your father not be oppressive." 

At this, the Gilded Helianthian queen rolled her eyes. "Pray he doesn't bring a mistress." She said. 

All of the ladies burst into laughter at this. "Why, my queen, I should hope not!" Kaye, who was sat by the window, answered. "Hah! If he does...." The slightly older former Heliotropite trailed off, shaking her head and causing her long black hair to sway around her face. 

Pearl felt the knot of the sash around her waist hit her back and squeeze tightly. "There you go, madam." One assistant said. "Finished." 

Pearl stepped forward, feeling her sunflower crown shift onto her head as Kaye hovered over to place it on her, and the queen felt the fancy golden hairpin holding her long hair up in place. She sighed, dropping her hand and letting Kaye fasten her cloak on her shoulders. 

Annabelle squealed like a young girl. "Your highness, you look outstanding!" She cried. 

Pearl gave her a tired smile. "I'm glad you think so." She said. "Now, let's go."

Kaye raised her hand. "Your father requested to see you in your room, remember?" She reminded her, flicking her brown wings. "Would you like me to send for them?" 

Pearl sighed again. "Yes, please." She said, waving to her attendants as they departed after Kaye, leaving only the queen and Annabelle. 

"How do you feel, my queen?" Annabelle inquired. 

Pearl fiddled with the edge of her sleeve. "I'm....I'm rather nervous, you know?" She said quietly.  

Why so, my liege?" 

Pearl looked up at her. "The last time I saw my family was at my official coronation, seven years ago." She said. "It's been significantly long enough. And you know King Dyo- my father." She cut herself off before continuing. "Always demanding for knowledge on my relationships, if I've found a suitor, when I'll be married, when my first heir is coming, how many heirs I'll have- the list goes on." 

Shadows of a Broken Past: A Shard of Faith (Book one)Where stories live. Discover now