Chapter 9

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It was an extremely busy night, the new additions to the museum had brought many people into the museum. Even Rebecca, the receptionist, was back at work to help the night guards. The Egyptian family had specific instructions and to be on their best behaviour which the parents of the brothers ensured they would be. Ahkmenrah was paler than normal but he remained interacting, Larry was keeping a strict eye on him as well as the still fully grown Jed and Octavius. The young king hadn’t said anything about their size other than one word, ‘protection’. It made literally no sense to any of them but it did give Lancelot an actual challenge, the knight was shocked at how well the roman could fight while Jed just watched with love in his eyes every time they duelled. However, there had been a few times where Tahmunrah asked to duel Octavius but the roman refused even in front of the others, something just wasn’t sitting right with the roman general. It wasn’t a big concern but Larry had asked Teddy to keep an eye on Octavius around Tahmunrah, something just wasn’t right with the roman’s behaviour. 

Larry smiled from the balcony as he kept a strict eye on the Egyptian family. It seemed Merenkahre could control his sons the best but it didn’t help Shepseheret showing her visible worry for her youngest. There was only an hour left of the public enjoying the night ‘actors’ when Rexy suddenly stopped moving, confusing the public. Larry froze looking at the t-rex thinking it was just playing games. Soon enough the cavemen stopped moving, remaining statue-like. 

Larry locked eyes with Dr McPhee who nodded, calling out that it was an early night due an incident with the water exhibit upstairs. The public were quick to leave without much of a care leaving behind puzzled night guards, an owner and receptionist. Soon Dr McPhee left the situation in Larry’s capable hands. 

There he, Nick and the caught up Rebecca stood in front of the cavemen who were frozen almost like it was sunrise. Teddy had moved over to inspect only to gasp, the statues they had in the museum were frozen as were Sacagewa’s brothers. Any animals were back to their original state. Rebecca remained in the main lobby keeping an eye on Dexter, the only animal still awake. 

Nick turned to look towards the Egyptian family only to see Tahmunrah in Kahmunrah’s face and the parents of the two trying to separate them while Ahkmenrah was missing. Nick alerted his father and soon enough everyone still awake which turned out to be Teddy, Sac, Jed, Octavius, Atila, the Egyptian family and Lancelot were on the search for the young king only to find him unconscious in the middle of the egyptian wing with two anubis guards kneeling over him. Larry gasped, Ahkmenrah was too pale for his liking. Kahmunrah wasted no time in scooping his limp brother into his arms. Ahk’s head just rolled as blood poured down his nose. 

“Put him in his sarcophagus now!” Merenkahre ordered, Kahmunrah could only nod, lying his brother in his bed. Merenkahre pulled the tablet from its hiding place only to gasp, now half the tablet was red. “He’s dying” Merenkahre gasped out, trying to read the tablet only for it to almost scold his hand. He dropped it only for Octavius to snatch it out of mid air, his gloves stopping him from burning them but he at least put it back on the wall in its rightful place.

“No offence but how can he be dying, if he is already dead?” Larry asked, Merenkahre raised a hand to his nose and pinched it trying to work out how to reason with the nightguard. 

“Every night you all come alive, yes?” Merenkahre said receiving multiple nods, “Well with us, our skeletons return back to our human state. What we were before, every morning we return back to being skeletons. So, we are vulnerable to attacks and we can bleed as well as bruise. What I’m saying is every night, Ahkmenrah is facing whatever this is: the red death is slowly killing him everytime he wakes up. His heart can’t take it. If we do not work out how to stop this, in a week’s time. Ahkmenrah won’t wake up and if the tablet continues to corrode for a week afterwards, the magic will cease to exist” Merenkahre explanation caused wide eyes of worry around the room. A groan from the sarcophagus as Ahkmenrah sat up, the young king’s vision blurred with tears as Kah and his mother comforted him. Tahmunrah remained miserable with his arms crossed over his chest, everything was coming together perfectly but first he had to make tensions even thicker so his brother’s heart would give in and that was in the form of Nick Daley. 

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