Accidentally Valentines Day

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"Suddenly we've got no time

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"Suddenly we've got no time. We're too busy doing life."
Ellie Goulding

Ashlyn finds it weird that her parents are fighting at a time like this. With the red, pink, and white decorated around the house, she assumes there would be a party. Or candy. Her dad doesn't even reprimand her when she takes one of his chocolates straight from the box in his lap. Quietly, George gazes off into the distance with clear frustration evident on all his features. Instead of eating it, she scoots back into her dad's side and grips his cheeks gently.

"What's matter, Dada?"

George hums at her finally, eyes cascading over her warm cheeks, "nothing. Pap and Dada just had a disagreement."


"Dis-a-gree-ment," George annunciated for her. "We fought."

Ashlyn gasped. "Hurt, Pap Pap?"

George shook his head. The pretty box of chocolates gets laid over their worn grey couch just before he pulled Ashlyn into his lap. He swaddled them both in a warm blanket as, even with the house heated, the chill of a cold February sat heavily in his bones. Ashlyn hugged George's neck in a kind snuggle.

"I would never hurt Pap Pap, okay? We do not hit in anger, you understand that baby? When we get upset we talk about it."

"Yes, Dada." Ashlyn sat back to look at her solemn-eyed father. "Say sorry?"

"Actually," George said, "it's Dream, who said sorry."

"If- if he, say sorry." The child smiled then she frowned once more, head tilting to the side. "Then why dada sad?"

Before he could answer Dream came around the corner and leaned over the back of their couch. Kissing George on the cheek he muttered quiet words against his ear. George sighed, Dream found a seat in their little family on the left side of the couch. Dream kissed Ashlyn on the cheek brushing over her ear with his thumb a moment later.

"I blocked her. I swear I didn't know that it was her calling."

Ashlyn looked from one dad to the other. George nodded, "I know."

"George," Dream turns his husband's chin, "then why do you still look so upset."

Ashlyn held onto one of Dream's thumbs and one of George's. They both glanced at her worried expression and sighed. George pressed his forehead heavily against Dream's cheek to give himself something grounding, or at the very least relive Ashlyn's anxiety.

"I get scared. That this is all a fake and you still love her."

"I love you." Dream insisted. Ashlyn crawled over into his lap for an embrace, "and I love you too."

"No!" Trying to scramble out of his reach, Ashlyn giggled. It was a lofty kind of laugh for a three-year-old. Loud in George's ear, he grimaced watching Dream pick their child up and pretend to eat her arm. Silly monster sounds filled their living room and mingled seamlessly with Ashlyn's giggles. George still found himself frowning.

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