Full Story- Chapter 26

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Warnings As Usual: Talk Of Murder, Abusive Family, Small Blood Description, Flashbacks, Slight Desc Of Panic Attacks, OF YOU GET IT BY NOW-


I sighed as I laid in bed, back to the wall. I rubbed my arms. It had been hours since my mom had come to my room and painfully grabbed my arms. Her nails digging into them, and dragging me out into the living room to make it look like nothing had ever happened to my neck. Cleaning my hair as I sat there, my wrist bleeding from her expensive nails and their sharp edges. She had fully hidden the back of my neck. She put in work and pain trying to pull my hair over my small cuts and bruises from her. I fell asleep, waking up early the next morning to a text from Roy.

8:07| L0V3F0RSW34T3RS: Hey Rob can u sneak out abt 9 tonight?
8:48| Backwardsboy: Yea, I'll try-
8:48| Backwardsboy: Where do I go tho
8:51| L0V3F0RSW34T3RS: The park near Ross's house
8:51| Backwardsboy: Mk

I put away my phone, in fear of my parents seeing me again. I sighed deeply, wanting spring break to be over. I preferred school and seeing Roy and Ross than being at home. Time felt like it took forever to pass, but night finally came. I quietly climbed out of my window, making my way to the park. I saw Ross and Roy waiting on a bench. Ross looked really stressed. Small strands of his slick black hair messed up and free as he fidgeted. He also looked a bit shaky, his eyes widened ever so slightly. Roy looked upon him, a glint of worry and sadness in his eyes. He heard me approach and glanced at me, beckoning for me to come over and sit next to him. I did so, and Roy took a deep breath. "Ok so. Can one of you explain a bit more of what happened?" He asked. Ross shivered, but sat up more. "W- when you sent us that text. I.. Rob came over to my house. He brought up the idea of.. getting rid of your uncle. I originally didn't want to.. but I suddenly had that.. urge.. to do it. So- so I got my dad's old baseball bat, and.. we went to the mansion. I- we found him eventually. And.. I.." Ross trailed off. "He.. killed your uncle. I blocked the exit." I finished for him, recalling the memory. "I.. have to admit. It felt so wrong. Yet that feeling.. also seemed right. And I hate saying it. I feel like some.. fucking insane, psychotic bitch." Ross said, shaming himself. "And.. Rob?" Roy asked, and he placed a comforting hand on Ross's shoulder as he pulled his knees up to his chest on the bench. I didn't know where to start. "Ok.. so uhm.. my parents.. they.. drink a lot. And my mom.. is kind of.. abusive. Ross.. standing there, bat in hand covered in blood. Reminded me of things I didn't want to think of. And I've now been having flashbacks. My mom has been getting worse. I never showed it because I didn't want to worry you guys." I said, tearing up a bit. Ross swallowed, setting his feet back on the ground, steadying himself. "How.. who.. what are we going to do about this?" Ross asked. "I- I'm not going to turn you guys in." Roy said. "This.. it scares me. But.. I want us to cope with it. It's a good thing for me, actually. No more.. of.. that." Roy added. "I- but I'm a murderer!" Ross said. "Yeah. You are. This usually isn't something normal in somebody's life, but maybe we can help you through it. It helped Roy, remember? I feel right about helping. But.. I think I can continue with my family. I've been fine for years, so it's ok." I said. "But it isn't ok! This isn't right for you Rob." Roy said, Ross nodding. I frowned at them. I could make it 3 more years, right? To be 18, to escape! "But it'll be ok! I can wait until I'm 18!" I said, repeating my thoughts after a second. "Rob. Would your parents care if you even came back home?" Ross asked.


That question even surprised me. Robert paused for a moment. A memory seemed to hide behind his eyes, playing before him and no one else. He looked up at Ross, making a painfully long eye contact as sadness shined in his eyes. "No.." was his answer. "Mhm. I bet that my mom might let you stay if you helped around the house! We could figure out a way.. somehow, but you cannot go on living like this!" Ross reasoned. Robert sighed and caved in. "I.. I guess." Ross suddenly perked up and whispered something into Robert's ear, making his eyes light up once more, and he nodded. I gave them a confused glance. "So.. anything else to discuss.." I asked. "I.. don't think so." Ross said. "Ok. We should get home." I suggested. "Rob. Can you try to maybe pack some stuff? I'll ask my mom tonight, she can call the police." Ross said. Alarm flashed painfully clearly in Robert's eyes. "No- no don't tell her about.. everything. I don't want to.. get them put into jail." Robert says, looking down. "Why..?" Me and Ross asked in sync, glancing at each other before looking back at Robert. "I- I feel.. bad.. for them." Robert admitted. "Hm." Ross muttered. I was concerned. I didn't feel bad for my uncle, not a single bit. I have to accept, I'm happy he's gone, no matter how it was taken care of. "Fine.. but if you ever change your mind, just tell me. Wait no.. us." Ross corrected, giving a weak smile to me and Robert at the same time. A soft shimmer to his eyes. I just tried to smile back, Robert also giving a weak grin. "We gotta get back." Ross said suddenly, breaking the silence. "Yeah." I agreed, Robert nodded. We started walking home together, all quiet besides the sound of footsteps and the occasional sigh or sound of a car driving on the road nearby. A gentle breeze shifted the trees near us. We got to my house. "I love you guys." I said. I gave them both a small kiss on the cheek before climbing up into my home, sneakily through the window to avoid my dumb parents.


As Roy headed in, Robert and I kept walking. "I'm glad that we're all here for each other, you know?" He said suddenly. "Yeah.. it's been chaotic for a while. Maybe we can finally get everything resolved." I agreed. We walked up to his house eventually, and I gave him a small smooch before he headed in, cheesily waving bye, giving me a soft smile. I returned it as he quietly climbed into his house. I headed back to my own home, casually walking in, shutting the door and locking it behind me. I flopped onto my bed. Why did everything have to be so complicated. Why did I even.. do this? It was well past 12:00 am, moonlight shining through my window. I changed into some pj's and laid down more comfortably, snuggling beneath my blankets. I grabbed a spare pillow, hugging it tightly. My mind flashed back to that damned image. The sight of Roy's uncle. At my feet. The sticky feeling on my face and hands. The melty, red liquid dripping off of my bat as part of it split down the middle into a cracked, sharp object. I started to softly cry to myself. I had done this. But.. if I hadn't.. who else would've? Would Roy have ever been free from his torturous prison with his uncle? I pulled out my phone.

12:28| Ghostedbeanie: Ilysm guys..
12:38| Ghostedbeanie: <3
12:39| Backwardsboy: :]
12:39| Backwardsboy: I love you guys as well!! ^v^
12:41| L0V3F0RSW34T3RS: Yea, I love you guys too. :>
12:41| L0V3F0RSW34T3RS: But can we try to fuckin go to sleep-?
12:41| Ghostedbeanie: Yeah sorry Roy. Just not feeling good tonight. I wanted to reassure myself and everybody else.
12:41| Backwardsboy: Aww Ross :[
12:41| Backwardsboy: Hope ya feel better bfr the night is over <3
12:41| Backwardsboy: Please get some sleep
12:42| Ghostedbeanie: I'll try darling..
12:42| Backwardsboy: <33
12:43| L0V3F0RSW34T3RS: Yeah, pls try Ross..
12:43| Ghostedbeanie: Night, loves.
12:44| L0V3F0RSW34T3RS: Night Beanie boy >:]
12:44| Ghostedbeanie: Tch-
12:44| Backwardsboy: Gn yall!
12:45| *Backwardsboy has gone offline*
12:45| *L0V3F0RSW34T3RS has gone offline*

I gave a small smile at my phone, my tears drying up quickly.I knew yet what I had done was wrong, it was still right in some special way to us

Motivation Is Confusing.
Anyways Upcoming Chapters May Have Some Fluff
Words = 1405

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