Chapter 1

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My name is Krista. I'm 19 years old and I'm a costume designer. I was born in France but my father is American so, I'm French-American. I love watching musicals and Operas as a child with my mother and she hoped one day that I would be like her. She was once an amazing performer and she was on Broadway. She taught me everything there was to know about performing and singing as well. My father thought it was a silly child's dream at first but after hearing my singing voice he thought it was a great idea too, however, all of that changed when something horrible happened to my mother.

She was coming home one night from a meeting with the directors about me performing on the next Broadway season but then a drunk driver crashed into her and she was killed instantly. That day, my guardian and my light died and I refused to perform on stage again. It brought back too many memories of my mother and I swore that I would never act on stage again. Instead, I focused all of my attention onto my studies and I became a costume designer. It was my fall back plan if my performing career didn't go to plan.

It has been 5 years since I stopped performing but I didn't let my love for musicals disappear. Even though I don't audition for them anymore, I can still watch them from afar and admire them whether I was backstage or in the audience. I love making costumes anyway, it was another way for me to be creative and be a part of the crew at the same time.

Right now, I was standing backstage while watching the cast members perform my favourite musical of all time, Phantom of the Opera. I always loved watching Andrew Loyd's musical and reading the books about it as well. I almost got the part of playing Christine Dae but, I ended up being a chorus girl instead. I was a little disappointed but, I still had fun on stage. Mum always said to start small and slowly work your way to the top.

That was nothing but a distant memory now. Right now, I've got a job as a costume designer and I love watching and listening to them. I listened to Charlotte, who is playing Christine Dae, and she was terrible. I don't know what those directors or what the managers were thinking when they let her have that role. She sounded like a cat being strangled to death. I thought Carlotta was supposed to sound like that, not Christine.

"I told you, you should've auditioned," I heard Amy, my best friend, told me.

"And I told you, no."

"She's terrible, you would've gotten that role with your eyes shut," Amy told me before Charlotte started to sing the high notes which made some of us cover our ears.

Once the screaming cat stopped singing, we sighed in relief and then the director spoke up, "Well done Charlotte. A very good performance."

"Thank you," Charlotte spoke with a smile.

"Can anyone else hear dogs howling in the background?" Amy whispered.

"I don't know, I think my ear drums have popped," I whispered back.

"Now we're moving onto the next scene which is the dressing room scene. You all know this part, Christine reunites with her childhood friend with Raoul and she meets the 'angel of music'," The director told them.

"Krista," Charlotte called me over and I walked over to her.

"Yes, Mademoiselle Charlotte?" I asked politely.

"Did you finish that dress for the masquerade scene? did you also finish that tear in the white robes as well?" She asked, well, more like demanded.

"Yes, I have fixed that tear and the dress needs a bit more work. I still haven't got the chance to make that mask for that scene as well."

"Well get a move on," She spoke with a frown.

"I'm trying my best here!" I told her.

"Give her a break, Charlotte. You're not the only one who needs their costumes done as well. Krista's got a bunch of other projects to finish as well don't you?" Robert, the manager, spoke up.

The Angel of the Opera (Phantom of the Opera fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz