Chapter 4

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It had been a few weeks since I was sent to this time period. I still haven't figured out how to get back home or how I even got here in the first place but, I didn't let it bother me that much. I went about my day as usual which was; get up, pick an outfit for the day, have breakfast, tend to the costumes, help the cast members with their costumes, design or mend them, have lunch, get back to work and then later on sleep and then the next day, repeat. 

I thought for sure that I was going to start with the Hannibal scene from the movie but, so far it hasn't happened for some reason. I'm guessing the events are going to happen later on but, I didn't let it worry me for now, I was enjoying my job even though I had a feeling someone was watching me from the shadows.

I adjusted the cape on Panji and I helped him with his helmet and smiled at my work.

"There you go Sigori Pangi," I spoke with a smile before he kissed the back of my hand and he went back to rehersals.

I adjusted my ponytail and then I headed back to the costume department where everyone was working on the costumes and mending them. I was making changes to the 'Think of me' dress because Carlotta still wasn't happy with the design. I don't know why she's so unhappy with them. I'm not her personal designer, I have other projects to work on as well, not just hers. I'm beginning to think the others are right, maybe I should tell her that but, at the same time, its hard to stand up to her since she's a diva and all.

I was in the middle of fixing the skirt of the dress and I was pinning some of the fabric together until I stiched them until someone spoke up which made me jump.

"Hey Krista."

"Ow!" I yelped when a pin stabbed my finger. I put my finger in my mouth before turning around to see Annette.

"Oops, sorry, did I startle you?" 

"Yeah, a little. Anyway, what's wrong?"

"Madame Giry has got us designing the ballerinas costumes, can you give me a hand please?"

"Sure, I need a break from this anyway," I spoke with a smile before I stood up properly and got to work.

That was how my day went, just mending and making costumes. But, after that lesson with Christine, it got me thinking about the past. How I used to be on stage for broadway and that Christine suggested that I should do it again but, can I? Do I still even have it?

"Hey Annette?"


"If you gave up a career that was your dream job because something happened and someone suggested that you should pursue it again, would you do it?" I asked her.

"What's brought this on?" Annette asked.

"Oh, no reason. Just a bit of a...what if scenario," I told her.

"Well, if I were to pursue my dream job if the opportunity rose, I would take it but, right now, I'm happy where I am."

"I see..." I mumbled.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing, just curious that's all," I told her with a smile.

'Although, after hearing that...I wonder if I should try auditioning once they start back up again but, do I still have it?' I asked myself as I continued with work.


Later on that night, I decided to stay up a bit longer to work on some of Carlotta's dresses since the performance is coming up soon and I needed to get these done ASAP. After adding some final touches to the Think of Me dress and the hannibal dress, I decided to call it a night but before I headed back to my room, I went to take a detour first.

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