Chapter 6

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A few months had passed since Erik started his lessons with me. Ever since I got here and started lessons with Erik or the angel of music, I can feel that spark coming back to me. I haven't felt like that in a long time since my mother died. I guess all I needed was an encouraging push and a good mentor. However, a part of me is nagging at me that I shouldn't fall for him because I'm not from this world and I have replaced the 'musical Krista'.  All the time while I've been here, I still haven't found a way on how to get back home.

I didn't let it worry me as much since I've been busy in the costume department and having lessons with Erik. Right now, I'm in my room waiting for Erik to show up for another lesson while I was reading one of the other Krista's journals. It was around the time when she was a little child and she was talking about how she, Christine, Raoul and Philippe were childhood friends. I was surprised to learn that Philippe is in the musical because he was never mentioned but then again, the only time when he was in the movie was in the 1990s Phantom of the Opera.

...Philippe came to visit me and my mother again today. We were in the flower fields and he picked so many flowers and he made a flower crown for me. He said I looked so cute and beautiful. Mother and father awed at us and Mum even said how cute I looked as well. Philippe even gave me a nickname, Dea. Which means Goddess in latin.

'Cool, I got a nickname from one of the brothers,' I thought to myself with a small smile before I continued to read the old journal.

I sang for Philippe today, he couldn't believe how beautiful my voice sound. Mere (mother) told him that she's training me to become a famous performer one day. I can't wait to be like her and Philippe even said that he would be my one and only biggest fan of my voice.

I felt like gagging at that last part. Do I really sound like a love sick puppy like Christine when she's with Raoul? I asked myself as I continued to read the old journals until I came across the part where my mother died.

Mere was killed in an accident. Pere (father) hasn't been the same ever since. He tries his best to be happy for me and he even tried to encourage me keep performing in Mere's memory but, I can't. I don't even have it in me anymore so, I asked him if I can be a costume maker instead. I told him that I would never perform again and that's that. So he brought me to the Opera House and Madame Giry took me in and she gave me a good mentor to teach me the basics of mending, sowing and making costumes.

I sighed a little when I read this because this was the exact same thing that happened back in my world. Dad was shocked when he learnt that I would never perform again and become a costume designer instead. He understood why I would never perform again but, he told me that he hopes one day I will go back on that stage.


I jumped in fright when Erik spoke up out of nowhere. I frowned at the mirror and shouted, "Don't do that!"

"*chuckle* sorry."

"Apology accepted. Just don't do it again," I told him before I stood up from the bed and put away the old journals.

"What were you reading?"

"Oh, just some old journals I wrote when I was little. After we started the lessons, old memories of my mother came back to me especially when I was little," I told him with a smile.


"Don't ask what they are about. There are some thing that I rather not speak about," I told with a frown.

"Okay. Ready to start again?"

"Yes sir," I spoke with a smile as I stood in front of the mirror.

"Now let's pick up where we left off. Ready to sing the act 3 song again?" He asked me.

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