Chapter 10

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3RD PERSON POV (After Krista followed Erik)

"Krista! Krista!" Philippe shouted as he banged on the door.

He took a few steps and he was ready to kick down the door until Madame Giry stopped him, "Monsieur De Changy, what do you think you're doing?"

"Krista's in trouble! I can hear someone's voice in there and the door's locked," Philippe told her and he was hoping that Madame Giry was going to open the door for him but, she didn't.

"She's fine."

"What? Madame Giry, is there something you're not telling me?" He asked with a frown.

"All you need to know that Krista is okay. Now go, you don't want to keep your brother and Christine waiting," Madame Giry told Philippe as she shooed him away.

"But Krista..."

"She'll be okay. She's tired from today's performance. Let her rest and if anything happens, you will be the first person to know," Madame Giry told him.

"Fine...tell me as soon as she's back," Philippe told her as he walked away with a small frown on his face.

Once she made sure that he's gone, Madame Giry unlocked the doors and opened them to see the candles have gone out and Krista is no where in sight. She looked at the mirror and hopes that Erik takes good care of her and that she's safe.

Meanwhile, Philippe made his way to the entrance hall and Christine was surprised to see that Philippe has come alone and no Krista in sight.

"Where's Krista? I thought she was joining us?" Christine asked.

"I thought that as well but, she wants to rest for tonight," Philippe spoke disappointingly.

"Really? well, considering the fact that she hasn't been on stage for the last 5 years is no surprise," Christine commented.

"I guess  you're right. I'll speak to her tomorrow," Philippe spoke with a little hope in his voice but little does he know.

After the three of them left, Meg went to look for Krista to see if she was all right only to find the Prima Donna room dark and empty.

"Krista? Krista?" Meg called out softly.

Meg looked around and she found the rose on the make-up table. Meg picked it up and looked at it for a second until she felt a cold breeze hit her face. She puts down the rose and walked towards the mirror to see that it has been left open slightly. She walked towards the mirror and placed her hand on the mirror to slide it open and she gasped in surprise to see a secret passage way. She dropped the rose and being the curious child she is, she walked through the passageway without even thinking about the danger.

As Meg walked through the passage way, she was wondering if Krista went this way but, as she continued to walk through the dark hallways, she started to get a little nervous. She felt something touched her foot and that made her jump. Turns out it was just some rats that were scurrying in the hallways. She tried to ignore them as she continued to walk through the hallway but, suddenly she felt someone grabbed her shoulder. Meg screamed in fear but, it was just her mother.

"Mama, what are you-"

"Come with me right now," She spoke with a frown.

She dragged meg out of the passageway and she slid the mirror shut. Meg looked at her mother and asked, "Mother, how did you know where I was and where does that lead to?"

"We will talk about this later, now come on. You need some sleep," Madame Giry told her as they headed back to the ballerina dormitories only to find that pervert Joseph Bauqet in the room.

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