Chapter 3

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The next day, it was rehearsals again and everyone was going about their lives but, it was a bit hectic since the Hannibal performance will be coming up soon. Everyone has been working their hardest to make sure everything goes smoothly. The other seamstresses and I were also working hard as well. We wanted to make sure the costumes are all perfect and good to go. I was working Carlotta's dress for Hannibal before the rehearsals started. She told me yesterday that she didn't like the design but luckily, I managed to make a few changes to it.

"What do you think, Signora?" I asked as she looked at herself in the mirror while wearing the Hannibal costume. She gave herself a twirl and she looked impressed.

"Nice work, you made this last night?" She asked while examining the skirt.

"Yes, Signora," I spoke with a smile.

"Good. Now if you'll excuse me," Carlotta told me before she walked away with a smirk on her face.

I sighed in relief before I got back to work. Suddenly, I felt light headed before I placed my hand on the wall and placing my hand on my head. Christine saw me and she rushed over to me.

"Krista, are you okay? what's wrong?"

"Nothing...I'm just a little tired..." I mumbled before she placed her hand on my forehead.

"Oh my gosh! you're burning up! Madame!" Christine called her over and told her what was wrong with me.

"It's probably from the late night projects you've been working on. That's it, you are taking the day off and rest."

"But Madame...what about the...?"

"Don't even start. Christine, do you mind escorting Mademoiselle Krista back to her room?" Madame Giry asked.

"Of course, come on, Krista," Christine told me as she held me by the arm and escorted me back to my room.

"I could've made it back myself you know..." I told her weakly.

"No you wouldn't. Look at yourself, you can barely stand up and you're hot all over. You're not well. You're clearly taking on way too much work," Christine scolded me which made me giggle.


"Oh're such a worrywart you know that?"

"I can't help it, you're like a sister to me and Meg since we were kids. Of course, I worry about you," Christine told me as we got back to my room.

Once we got there, I collapsed onto my bed and I was completely exhausted. I heard Christine rummage through my wardrobe and she got a night dress for me. I slowly sat up and then the room started to spin before laid back down.

"Ugh...I don't feel so good..." I mumbled.

"See? this is why Meg and I have been nagging at you to take a day off and get some rest," Christine told me as she help me sit up on the bed and helped me change.

After Christine help me change into the nightdress, I laid back down on the bed and then Christine covered me with the blanket and placed a cool cloth on top of my forehead.

"Now get some sleep and don't even think about finishing any more designs. Madame's orders, got it?"

"Yes, ma'am..." I mumbled before she left the room and then I closed my eyes and fell asleep. Unaware that someone had snuck into my room.


As Christine made her way back to rehearsals, Erik was watching them from the shadows. Ever since that night at the chapel, Erik had been keeping an on both her and Christine. There was something about Krista that Erik couldn't take his eyes off of her. He had heard of Krista before but, he never thought that someone like her has an amazing singing voice. What took him by surprise was that little advice she gave to Christine helped her a lot as well.

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