Chapter 13

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We rushed around on stage to get everything ready for tonight's performance before the curtain was raised. I checked the three singers' costumes and wigs before giving them the thumbs up and then I rushed to the side before the curtain opened. I stood with Annette as we watched the performance from the sidelines.

"They say that this youth has set my lady's heart aflame!" One of the three singers sang.

As we watched the performance, I saw some moment from the corner of my eye. I glanced to the side to see Erik swapping Carlotta's throat spray. Erik caught me staring and then he smirked at me before pressing his gloved finger to his lips. I smiled back and then I turned my head to watch the performance.

"Shame! shame! shame!" 

The curtain around the bed was pulled back revealing Carlotta and Christine. She pretended to act like they got caught in the act. 

"Serafimo! this disguise is perfect!"

One of the musicians made a knocking sound before Carlotta sang, "Why who can this be?!"

"Wife meet your loving husband!" Pangi sang before pretending to smack Meg's behind and she gasped a little which made some of us laugh.

"My love I'm going to England for business sake and must leave you with your beautiful maid!" Pangi sang while Christine shook her behind a little before turning around with a shocked expression.

Carlotta frowned and smacked mini Pangi's hand with her fan.

"Though, I would happily take the maid, with me," Pangi spoke which made us laugh.

"The old fool is leaving," Carlotta smirked,

I chuckled a little along with the audience but, I had a feeling someone else isn't laughing right now. I watched as Christine got rid of the maid disguise while Carlotta sang.

"Serafimo, away with this pretence! You cannot speak but kiss me in my husband's absence!" She sang as she used her fan to hide the kissing part which the audience laugh.

"Poor fool, he makes me laugh! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Time I tried to get a better, better half," Carlotta laughed while I used one of my fingers to cover my ear.

"Poor fool, he doesn't know! Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho! If he knew the truth, he'd never, ever go," Carlotta and the chorus group sang before an angry voiced boomed throughout the stage.

"Did I not instruct that box 5 was meant to be kept empty!?"

Annette and I took a peak from the sidelines. They can't see him but, I can see his figure hiding behind the chandelier.

"He's here, the phantom of the opera," Meg spoke.

"Its him," Christine mumbled.

"Your part is silent, little toad!" Carlotta grumbled before she smiled and chuckled at the audience.

"A toad madam? perhaps it is you, who are the toad," I swore I heard Erik roosted Carlotta which nearly made me laugh.

"What are you laughing at? this isn't funny right now," Annette told me.

"Uh nothing!" I told her before we stood back while Carlotta's maid used the throat spray that Erik swapped.

"Me-me, why? why are you spraying on my chin all the time, huh?" Carlotta asked before the maid sprayed again before Carlotta tested her voice before walking back onto the stage.

"Am I the only one who thinks this is going to end so badly after hearing the Phantom's voice?" Annette asked and I shook my head for a no.

"No you are not," I told her before hid on the sidelines again and watched the performance.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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