Chapter 11

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I had been inside Erik's lair for a while now. This is every Phantom of the Opera fans dream, not to mention having singing lessons with the genius himself. I have been rehearing for some time now and boy, singing the countess' lines is a lot harder than I thought.

"Poor fool make me laugh! Ha ha ha ha ha! Time I tried to get a better, better half!" I sang while Erik played the organ.

"Stop," Erik spoke in a stern tone.

I looked at him and asked, "What's wrong now? did I do something wrong?"

"Oh no, it's just you sound a little off on that part. You weren't kidding when you said you haven't sang a high note in a while."

"Ah forgive me, I'm still a little rusty. Act 3's song was okay to sing but now..." I trailed off.

"Don't worry too much about it. You still have a lot to learn," Erik told me before he stood behind me and then he placed his hands on my shoulders to straighten my posture. I felt shivers travel down my spine. One of Erik's hand travelled from my shoulder which caused the robe to slide off, down my arm and then it went to my stomach.

"Try singing from your stomach, not from your chest," Erik spoke in my ear as he used his other hand to go under my chin and he made me look forwards.

"Now try singing again," Erik whispered as I felt his hot breath near my neck and shoulder which made my heart skip a beat. I took a deep breath and tried singing again.

"Poor fool makes me laugh! Ha ha ha ha ha! Time I tried to get a better, better half!" I sang and this time it sounded better.

I was about to say something to Erik as I turned my head to look at him only to see that our faces were inches away from each other. My eyes widen a little but I relaxed under Erik's touch. Erik stroked my cheek and then his other hand that was on my waist, slowly slid into the open part of my robe and stroked my stomach and waist from the inside of my robe. Erik slowly leaned closer to my face and then our lips were close to touching until a loud growl came from my stomach.

I blushed bright red when this happened and then I got out of Erik's arms and I quickly fixed my robe.

"What was that?" Erik asked while standing there dumbfounded.

"Uh...nothing!" I tried telling him but my stomach growled loudly again.

"Ah forgive me, you probably haven't eaten anything since last night," Erik spoke softly.

"It's not your fault. All the excitement from last night and coming here got to me," I spoke with a smile.

"Come on, let's get some breakfast, we need a break," Erik said as he offered his hand to me and then I took it.

He led me through his lair until we got to a table with two chairs. Erik led to one of them before he pulled back a chair and I sat down. What a gentleman! I watched him get some food and filled the plates with fruits, jam and butter and croissants.

"I didn't know what you liked. I hope this this okay for you?" Erik asked he served breakfast.

"Its perfect, thank you," I spoke with a smile before he joined me at the table and we tucked into our meal. I bit into the croissant and its good and it tastes great with the jam spread on it as well.

"If you don't mind me asking, how long have you lived down here?" I asked before I sipped the tea.

"Ever since I was a child," Erik told me before he looked around the room.

"For as long as I can remember, these walls have always been my home. It's dark, peaceful and no one else comes down here," Erik explained.

"Haven't you ever, you know, gone outside of the opera house?" I asked him with a curious look.

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