Chapter 16

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*George's PoV*

"So what all do I need to get?" I asked Bianca that evening.

"So what all do I need to get?" I asked Bianca that evening

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G: I could make 1,000 flowers in my sleep. This is gonna be easy.

"Just red and pink paper. We have enough green already," she replied as I headed out to the supply room.

"What exactly are we doing?" Claire asked.

Bianca picked up one of the flowers. "We need to make 100 of these by tonight. Scarlett's been working way too hard and it's about time we picked up some of the slack."

"How long is this gonna take?" Vanessa asked. "I'm supposed to meet with Beckett at 6."

"Well I don't really know, but if we get started now maybe we'll be done by then," she replied.

I came back with the papers and set them down on the table. "It shouldn't take that long," I added.

"Easy for you to say," Alya joked. "Not all of us are art students."

"Digital art," I corrected, "but origami has always been a favorite of mine."

Then Cole walked in. "Leftover pizza courtesy of the drama department," he said, setting some boxes down on the table by the door.

C: We got the results back from our summer show yesterday and we ranked first! If that isn't worthy of a pizza party, I don't know what is.

"Thanks Cole," Bianca replied. "And congrats."

"Let's just hope we do this well in the spring," he replied. "I'll see you."

"So he just gave us pizza?" I asked confused.

"Looks like it," Claire said, getting up to grab a slice.

Alya turned to Bianca. "You knew he did theater?" she asked.

"Yeah. We've chatted a few times outside of class," she replied.

 We've chatted a few times outside of class," she replied

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A: I'm not gonna meddle.

A: I'm not gonna meddle

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