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September 1, 2018
8 PM
Marshall's POV: I got out of my car heading into the studio. I locked the door and headed into the studio. I turned on the lights and sat down awaiting Greg to show up. I bounced my leg up and down impatiently, feeling my hands begin to sweat. I lifted my head seeing the doorknob turn and Greg walked in, closing it softly. "Thanks for meeting with me." He sighed and took off his jacket, resting it on the back of his chair. He sat down and placed his hands in his lap.

I leaned back and shoved my hands into my pockets. "Not a problem..." I replied. "What would you like to discuss?"

"I think you know what.." he leaned forward and glared at me. "I'm gonna ask you a few questions and you better answer honestly."

"Is this a fuckin interrogation?" I let out a cynical laugh. "I don't think you should be interrogating me Greg. That isn't a good idea..."

"Did you have an affair with my wife?" He interrogated.

I huffed and stood up pacing the room for a moment and then leaned against the wall. "Yes, for a few months... we ended it since we both knew we messed up. She wanted to keep being married to you, neither of us didn't wanna hurt you."

He nodded, standing up and walking towards me. "How'd it feel to fuck another man's wife?" He whispered.

I lifted my head, shaking my head at him. "Don't say that shit to me.."

"I'm asking you a fucking question, how'd it feel to fuck my wife?" He spat. I pushed him backward.

"Watch your mouth!" I yelled grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. "You weren't ever loyal to her, you didn't even wanna move to Detroit anyway. She deserves somebody better than you. The last few months I've watched the woman I care about be unhappy in her marriage."

"And do you think she deserves you?" He scoffed. "Marshall, you could never have a girl like Diane. She's out of your league."

I shook my head. "No, she's out of your league, she deserves someone that'll love and care about her. Not some wimp that doesn't even know how to make his wife cum." I snapped back. "You're fired."

"And what happens if I go out accusing you of 'Fucking my wife?' The press would be all over it. Tabloids everywhere. Do you really want that?" He asked.

"It's not gonna happen, here's what we're gonna do." I walked towards him. "I'm firing you. You're gonna leave back home to Los Angeles. Divorce will be finalized and you will never see me again. If you bring up my name, watch yourself. Because shit will get messy. I ain't afraid of you, I got more shit to worry about than you. Got it?"

"Fuck you." He whispered and left the room, slamming the door. I sighed, sitting back down near the soundboard. I scratched the back of my head and leaned back, taking it all in. I've fucked myself this time.

9 PM

"Dad you okay? You seem quiet..." Hailie took my plate at the dinner table. I had Alaina, Evan, and Matt over for dinner once I got home, I wanted to spend time with my kids to get my mind off things. I lifted my head,

"I'm fine Hai, just a little tired from the studio but I'm alright." I smiled. "I'm glad I could have you guys over for dinner." I stood up and took the plates from Hailie walking into the kitchen. She followed me and sighed, leaning against the counter.

"Me and Lanie think you need to take a break for a while. We know you have some meetings to attend in the next few weeks but you need to relax. Take your mind off things." She commented.

"I promise I'll take a break once I finish up my meetings, I'll take some time off and maybe we can all go do something." I smiled and kissed her cheek. Alaina came in and smiled,

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