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September 2, 2018
Marshall's POV:

We both walked downstairs, going into the kitchen. I sat down at the dining table and watched her rummage through her fridge.

"You want eggs and bacon for breakfast?" She asked turning around adjusting her pink satin robe. It wasn't too revealing but it was still sexy. I smiled,

"Anything will work." I smiled watching her as she grabbed ingredients to make breakfast. "Have you been going to work?"

"Yeah I have been, I've been ignoring Lexi as usual. She hasn't talked to me at all. Chrystina has talked to her but doesn't get much out of her. I think she might quit at some point." She sighed cracking eggs. "I hope she does..." she mumbled.

"I bet." I chuckled standing up and walking behind her. My arms wrapped around her waist and I rested my chin on her shoulder. "You know I'm gonna be here for you through everything right? I'm not leaving Di."

"I know your not." She whispered continuing to cook. "I don't want you to leave me." She turned up the stove and turned around kissing me. My hands still held onto her waist and I pulled her to the living room. She giggled and held me close.

"I can't keep my hands off of you. You're addicting to me." I whispered against her lips. She smiled and pulled away slowly,

"Then don't stop..."
September 2, 2018
1 pm
I held my keys in my hands and sighed walking out to my car. Diane leaned on her front door watching me get ready to leave. "You sure you don't want me to stay longer?"

She smiled, "You can come back later tonight if you want. I know you have some work things. Just let me know what you're doing later and we can see what happens." She walked down her steps and kissed my cheek. "I love you."

I smiled widely, "I love you too. I'll call you later okay?" I got into my car and watched her nod and wave goodbye to me. I headed out of her driveway and went back home. Once I pulled into my driveway I saw Hailies car parked in my driveway. I got out and headed inside the house.

"Hai?" I called out shutting the door. I looked in the living room not seeing her.

"I'm in the kitchen dad!" Hailie called out and I quickly ventured in. Alaina and Hailie sat at the dinner table staring at me. I could tell I was in deep shit.

"Sit." Alaina pointed to an empty chair next to Hailie and I walked over sitting down slowly. We all sat in silence for a moment and finally, Hailie spoke.

"Paul called us... he told us everything." She whispered. I shook my head,

"Girls, what are you talking about?" I let out a small chuckle. "Told you what?"

"You had an affair, with Greg Parker's wife." Alaina sighed. "Why?"

I leaned back in the chair and sighed. "Girls... I don't want to discuss this right now. You shouldn't even be knowing about this." I began to stood up but Hailie grabbed my arm tightly,

"No, you're going to sit down and tell us everything. Sit down." She demanded pulling me back down to my chair. I winced at her grip and rolled my eyes. How is my own child stronger than me?

"Fine..." I groaned. "I'll start from the beginning. And you cannot tell anyone about this. Not even Nathan!"

They sighed and leaned back in their seats glaring me down. "Alright." Hailie sighed. "Now tell us."

"Back in June, I started going back to clubs. I had stopped for a while and I just wanted to see what I could find. Diane was one of the dancers working that night. I paid for a dance. A dance became more than that as I continued to go and see her. We started hooking up. She said she was married but didn't give me enough information about her marriage. I just assumed it was some rich man who was cheating on her as well." I commented, both of my girls rolling their eyes with disgust. I continued, "I hadn't found out she was married to Greg who had started working for me until I invited him and his wife over for dinner. We called off things from there. But we couldn't stop. It was hard. But we stopped seeing each other and I decided to start dating Lexi."

"And isn't Lexi a close friend of Diane's?" Alaina asked leaning in. "You just immediately started fucking her best friend?"

"Alaina Marie!" I snapped at her. "Watch your language!" I scoffed.

"I'm a grown woman dad! I can swear if I fucking want to." She snapped back and stood up. I was about to get up towards her but Hailie pulled her sister back down,

"Shut up the both of you!" She groaned and looked back at me. "Is Lexi a friend of Diane's dad?" She questioned rubbing her sister's shoulder in a comforting manner. I nodded and leaned back crossing my arms. My eyes darted down toward my wooden floors.

"Yes, things got messy from there and I called it off. Well, Lexi did. But I feel it was a mutual understanding..." I intertwined my fingers together and looked back up at them. "Listen, I am sorry I didn't tell you but you know how I dislike talking to you girls about my relationships unless things get serious. But I should've been upfront about everything. I'm sorry."

Both of them stood up and Alaina walked towards the foyer. Hailie followed her slowly and they grabbed their coats. "You could of at least been honest. But I am disappointed in your behavior dad. This isn't like you! You've changed and you have worked so hard on yourself and being a better man. But what you've done is disloyal and disgusting." Hailie sighed, tears swelling up in her eyes. I felt my chest tighten and I walked over to her, grabbing her arm gently.

"Hai, baby don't cry.." I whispered but she pulled away. "We need to be alone. Figure things out with you and Diane. Fix this." She whispered. Alaina grabbed Hailie's car keys and handed them to her. She shook her head at me and followed Hailie outside. I stood on the front porch watching them get in the car and drive away. I immediately went back inside and slammed my front door. I felt like I had just been scolded by my mother. Feeling so much guilt like I was a child again. I went into the living room and sat down, holding my head in my hands. If Proof could look at me now I know he would be disappointed.

OKAY I know it was a short chapter but I just wanted to updated as quick as I could. Next chapter will be up soon! ❤️ thank you all for your patience.

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