376 13 6

June 22, 2018
Marshall's POV: I sat in my chair, waiting impatiently for Greg to arrive. He shouldn't be this late! I checked the time once again, seeing it was 10:30. The door quickly flung open and he stood there before me, breathing heavily.

"Marshall, I am so sorry... I didn't set-"

"Sit down."

"Marshall I-" I cut him off again,

"I said sit down," I demanded, standing up pointing to my chair. He nodded and quickly took my chair, sitting down. I stood in front of him, glaring down at him. "I'm not gonna hear you say 'I didn't set my alarm.' That's what kids say when they are late for school." I growled, shaking my head. "Now tell me why the fuck you're late."

"Diane kicked me out of the house.." he sighed, rubbing his baggy eyes. "We've been having some marital problems right now."

I leaned against the soundboard, my arms crossed. "What's going on?"

"Sometimes she can just be a real bitch, selfish at times. She's going on vacation with some friends of hers from the club and we haven't even seen each other much. She's always working, and when she gets home I'm asleep. It's exhausting at times. I love her, I truly do. I just don't know if she loves me still." He leaned back. "I didn't want to move at all. But we needed the money and she wanted to try and get in contact with her mom."

"Is her mom not close to her?" I replied, grabbing another chair and sitting down next to him.

"She came from a really bad childhood. Mom is an alcoholic. Her dad died from a drug overdose when she was just 5 years old. So her uncle helped raise her while her mom was always out partying. Her mom was verbally abusive. She decided to move out when she was 19 and got a plane ticket to Santa Monica." He answered. "She was working as a dancer and sometimes a bartender. I worked as a new bartender and we just clicked."

I sighed, rubbing my beard taking in what he was telling me. God this poor girl. I felt bad for her. We sort of had the same upbringing, a tough childhood filled with so much pain. "Has she tried to make any contact with her?"

He nodded, "Yeah she tried sending her a letter but she moved from her old address. We've tried to find out where she lives but we can't find it. it's been 4 years since we moved over here and still she has no contact with her. We made sure she didn't pass away, but not even her uncle knows where she is."

"That has to be hard on Diane. Wanting to be in contact but not even knowing where she is." I sighed, "I'm sorry that it's been tough on the both of you. But why do you think she doesn't love you?"

"Sometimes she just looks at me with so much anger and frustration. We've tried to work on our marriage many times, but it just hasn't worked. The sex is fine, but we rarely are intimate with each other.." he sighed, "If she ever cheated on me I wouldn't blame her... even though I'd be devastated."

I looked down at my hands, fiddling with my fingers. Fuck why did he have to say that? I cleared my throat; "She would never cheat. Man, she loves you." I replied, staring at him.

"You think so?"

"Yeah man," I sighed getting up. "She does love you." I walked over to the fridge, throwing him a bottle of water. "Let's work a little bit and then I'm gonna send you home early. You need to relax. Come back tomorrow and we'll work more. Alright?"

He nodded, "Okay."


I went home after we worked on a few things in the studio, and sent a quick test to Diane. I know I needed to talk to her.

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