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Pepper holds up two shirts, Peter picks the one on the left, and then Tony holds up two pairs of shoes, and he picks the one on the left again. "No," Tony says even as Peter opens his mouth, and Peter pouts, trying to cross his arms until Pepper holds out his jeans, and he puts his little hands on Pepper's shoulders, stepping inside.


"No," Pepper says this time, and Peter sighs dramatically.

"Stop being a butthead," Tony says, handing over a grey t-shirt to go under his blue and green plaid.

"But Cooper likes going on adventures!"

"No," they both say at the same time, so Peter starts whining and stops when they both glare at him at the same time, eyes going wide.

Pepper finishes with his jeans, pulls the t-shirt over Peter's head and leaves him to get his arms through, and then sets about unbuttoning the shirt. When Peter's done, he holds out his arms on either side, and Pepper pulls the plaid on, buttoning it up his front. Peter flops onto his bum when that's done, and Pepper takes a pair of socks from Tony, tugging them on before reaching for his Converse. Tony gets up to make Peter's bed, checks on Cooper, and sighs, turning. "Did you feed Cooper?" (A/N: Cooper is a dog btw sorry if i confused you and ollie is his stuffed animal :3)

"I forgotted!" Peter exclaims, trying to get up, but Pepper tugs him back down to tie his shoes.

"I got it," Tony says, looking around for Cooper's food.

Eventually, they're finally ready to go out, Peter dressed, fed, and holding Ollie, slowly eating his toast while Tony and Pepper get ready, and then Pepper is taking Peter, Tony's grabbing their things, and they're heading downstairs into the garage where they get Peter into his jacket, buckled in, and then they're off for a day of errands.

They go to the barber first, and Peter whimpers in the back of the car, clutching Ollie to him as Tony pulls in. "You'll be fine," Pepper tries to calm him as he's undoing his car seat.

"But what if they miss and cut off my head on accident?" Peter mumbles, lower lip wobbling dangerously.

"They're not going to cut off your head," Pepper says, pushing away the straps and lifting Peter out of his seat, "I need you to be brave, okay?"

"But mommy," he whispers, squeezing Ollie tightly.

"Ollie needs you to be brave, too, and so does dad."

"That's three people," he says, looking at Tony and then back at Pepper, "Are you sure you need me to?"

"Very sure."

"Okay, I guess," he says, snuggling into Pepper and peeking out from underneath her chin. Pepper just smiles sadly and rubs his back, following Tony into the little place. Peter keeps his eyes shut the entire time and holds Ollie with both hands, but he doesn't cry once, and, when he opens his eyes at the end, he lets out a little breath.

"Look at you," Pepper says as he comes over, a lollipop in his mouth. He scoops him up, ruffling his newly cut hair, which still looks wild, but it's a little neater and not curling around his ears anymore. Tony pays, Peter waves to his barber, and then they're off to the pet store to pick up new food for Cooper and look at snakes. Peter presses his face to the glass on a red tail boa, and Tony kneels next to him, looking in at the snake.

"I think I'm noticing a pattern," he says, glancing up at Pepper, "Peter, what's your favorite color?"

"Red!" he exclaims, beaming at Tony, "Can we get this snake?"

"We'll see. We have more errands to run, though, so not right now."

"Okay," Peter sighs, stepping back from the glass, waving to the boa, and then holding up his hand for Tony to take.

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