Field Trip pt. 8

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"So how was the museum?". Ned just scoffed, "Really? How was the museum? you flaunt your power in front of the entire class, and have the head of security of one of the largest tech companies in the word tell our teacher that you have the power to have us kicked out and banned from the building, then leave to go take a meeting for the CEO of said large tech company, and you ask how was the museum?" Ned, being Ned didn't exactly use his inside voice and drew the attention of the rest of the team over to them. Flash was the first person to get over to them. "Parker, what the fuck is going on? I mean I'm not stupid enough to suggest you don't work here, not after what happened with Mr. Harrington, but why do you have so much power and how are you high up enough that you take meetings for Pepper freaking Potts?". Abe interjected before Peter could answer, "Don't forget the fact that he has his own office, what's up with that?"

Peter took a deep breath; he could handle this. "Alright guys, I get it, you all have questions, you all want to know what the hell is going on, I would too. I promise before we leave all of this will make sense, in the meantime just enjoy the rest of the tour". Nobody looked too happy with his answer. "Oh, come on Pen...I mean Parker". Flash figured calling Peter penis right now probably wasn't the best idea. "You can't really expect us to wait, you owe us an explanation". Peter could feel his nerves settling in again, he really hated this, it was one thing to act with authority with employees who wouldn't argue back with him in the first place. These were people he went to school with though. He didn't like having to be like this with them, he tightened his hold on MJ's hand to ground himself. She softly ran her thumb across his knuckles in an effort to comfort her boyfriend. "Flash, you are the last person I owe anything to, now I have told you that everything will be explained later and to enjoy the rest of the tour in the meantime, if that isn't good enough, I can have someone escort you back to the lobby and keep an eye on you until the tour is over?"

Flash wisely kept his mouth and walked away. Everyone else looked like they wanted to say more but were afraid of the response they would get. Peter smiled at them. "I promise guys, give me three hours and everything will make more sense, I just can't say anything yet, we have the labs next and it's supposed to be a surprise but I'm keeping enough things from you today, Dr. Banner is going to be there to show us a college level experiment and answer some questions". This cheered everyone up and they all spent the rest of lunch coming up with questions for the famous scientist. Surprisingly only a couple were Hulk related. Peter figured he shouldn't be too surprised; Midtown is one of the leading STEM schools in the country. Everyone on the tour was a major science nerd and would be just as excited if not more excited to meet Dr. Banner as they would to meet an Avenger.

Gwen cam to collect them at half twelve and escorted them to the thirty second floor. "Alright guys this is one of R and D's floors. These labs are used for less dangerous inventions such as the Stark Phone and Starkpad, you have half an hour to look around and ask questions. Please do respect the fact that while you are on a tour, these guys are working and may be too busy or I'll be honest, too caffeine deprived to answer you, if so, don't take it personally and either observe or move on. Please also remember not to touch anything". Peter, Ned and MJ made their way around the room looking at the work that was going on. Ned and MJ asking a few questions here and there. Peter on the other hand had the interns asking him for help with their equations, or even just his opinion on whatever they were working on. This did not go unnoticed by the class, who were all looking forward to the moment they found out just what the hell was going on.

Flash actually had the nerve to ask one of the interns what Peter did that made everyone think he was so special. The intern in question was busy applying an intricate detail onto the piece of hardware in front of him "Kid, can't you see I'm busy here. I don't have time to answer any questions, especially questions as stupid as that". Flash huffed in anger and knocked the piece if tech out of the intern's hand causing it to break when it fell onto the table. "If you have time to talk to Penis Parker, you certainly have time to talk to me". Peter who heard the whole thing just sighed "Will he ever lean". Ned and MJ turned to him with looks of confusion, "Flash" was the only answer he gave, and the only one he needed. Still, he waited until Gwen called him over who explained everything that happened, with the intern filling in the "missing" pieces of the conversation that without his super hearing he wouldn't already know about. "Normally, I'd have security escort him to the lobby, but given that he is a part of your class I wanted to check with you"

Before Peter could say anything Mr. Harrington interjected. "That seems a bit excessive, I'm sure Mr. Thompson will be well behaved for the rest of the tour". Peter's patience had officially run out at this stage and he was done being nice and holding back. "Roger, you really need to stop talking. The only reason this tour is even still going ahead is because I'm allowing it. After the way you grabbed me this morning, you're lucky I didn't cancel it and call the police to press charges. I may even do that yet, so for the sake of everyone else do not open you're mouth unless spoken to directly again until the end of the tour or I will have the rest of the tour cancelled and have Midtown barred from ever again being offered a tour". Mr. Harrington opened his mouth to retort, but Peter lifted a finger to stop him. "Not a single word". With a furious look the teacher closed his mouth and kept it closed, jaw tight as he resisted the urge to shout at his student. Former student by Monday morning if he had anything to do with it.

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