Field Trip pt. 5

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Just as Mr. Harrington finished shouting at Peter, none other than Happy Hogan himself walked in. "Kid, whats going on, are you okay? F.R.I.D.A.Y said you wanted the nearest security officer, what's going on?". Peter turned to face the head of security, "Happy just the man I wanted to see, this is Roger Harrington, my chemistry teacher, Mr Harrington, this is Happy Hogan, Stark Industries Head of Security and Asset Management. Mr. Harrington here felt the need to call me a liar and question my integrity this morning before we left the school. He along with the majority of my teammates didn't believe me when I said I had an internship here, most accused me of lying and seeking attention. Because of this I never bothered mentioning that I had gotten promoted, so this morning Mr. Harrington told me I needed to come clean before we arrived so as not to be an embarrassment to the school. After confirming that he had no proof I told him the conversation was over and walked away" Peter paused to catch his breath.

"Despite the proof given by Gwen recognising me, or my security clearance, when F.R.I.D.A.Y informed me that Pepper needs me to take her ten-o clock as she is caught in a board meeting, Mr Harrington, grabbed me, tried forcing me to stay and in front of my class and Gwen, made the same allegations. I asked security to be here to confirm for Mr. Harrington that I do in fact have the authority to have him and the rest of the class escorted from the premises". Happy paused for a second before looking at Peter, he knew the kid had developed more confidence with his newfound leadership role in the company even if it wasn't announced to the general public yet, but to see Peter Stark in front of him now, versus the Peter Parker he had met all those years ago the other night, you'd swear they were two different people. "He GRABBED you?". Mr. Harrington instinctively took two steps back, Happy didn't become Tony Stark's personal bodyguard without an ability to intimidate people. "He did, but as wrong as that is and believe me it will be addressed, that is not the point, I'm on a bit of a time crunch here Happy, I need to get up to my office and prepare for my meeting. Just want you to confirm I have that authority". Happy looked away from Peter to Mr. Harrington "Mr. Parker does indeed have the authority to have everyone here not only escorted but barred from the premises and given what I've just heard, I would be more than happy to do it myself".

"Thank you, Happy, that's all I needed, I'm sure it won't be necessary to actually escort anyone because Mr. Harrington isn't going to be making any more baseless accusations against me anymore, isn't that right Mr. Harrington?"

The Chemistry teacher looked as if he wanted to pass out but he nodded none the less. "Yes Mr. Parker, that is correct, I'm sorry". Peter turned to the rest of his class and Gwen. "I am very sorry you had to see all of that everyone, I know it is not a version of me you would ever expect to see, everything will make sense later, in the meantime please enjoy the tour". With that he left everyone with their jaws hanging open. Even Ned and MJ who knew just how much authority Peter actually had, were shocked he spoke to a teacher like that. Flash summed up what everyone was thinking with three words. "What the fuck". Mr, Harrington didn't even bother reprimanding him for the language, he was in fact thinking the same thing.

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