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Tony hated to admit it, but he hasn't gotten a hug in... years. Decades, even. And he didn't need them! He was Tony Stark, genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. He was a Stark.

Peter Parker had to disagree.


"Mister Stark, are you alright?" Peter asked, worried, as he watched his mentor stare at the same spot for the past five minutes. The man startled so hard, that he hit a glass from his table. "God! Kid, you can't scare me like that" the man muttered, and Peter quickly apologised.

"What's up, kiddo?" he asked, after cleaning up the glass shards that landed on the floor. "You were staring at that spot so intensively; I worried it had killed your parents" Peter answered, making Tony huff.

"Where is the starstruck kid from a few months ago" he muttered to himself, but of course, Peter heard him. "He disappeared after seeing you covered in foam for the twentieth time" he grinned, and Tony glared half-heartedly. "Anyway, what's wrong?" Peter asked, going back on track. Tony grimaced.

It has been a year since the Avengers have split up. And he was not handling it well. He wondered; did they think about him? Are they feeling guilty – wishing to go back like before, just like him? Or did they hate him now? Of course, he understood if they hated him, but still. It hurts.

Suddenly he thought of Siberia. Of the way the shield came down, down, down, again, again, again-

As someone – Steve, it had to be Steve, he was going to kill him killhimkillhim- touched him, he just threw a punch and felt hopeful when he hit something. He sat up- Steve was coming towards him, looking ready to kill- he crawled on his back backwards as fast as possible. His back hit the wall. His heart thumped in his chest. Barnes on the side laying on the floor, Steve coming closer- closerclosercloser-

He snapped out of his thoughts, when someone touched his hand, and looking up, he saw Peter looking at him concerned, the boy's mouth moving, but no sound reaching Tony's ears.

"-ark? Mister Stark, can you hear me?"

It was then that the man noticed, how they were sitting on the floor, his back pressed against the wall, his breathing quick, black spots dancing around his vision, and Peter spotting a black eye-

He gasped. It wasn't Steve. He was at the Compound, and safe. He was safe, Peter was here and safe, He wasn't dying.

He took a deep breath in, before opening his eyes- when did he close them? - and as soon as he looked Peter in the eyes, he felt guilt pressing against his ribcage. He was the reason for the black eye. "Oh god, Peter, are you alright? I'm so sorry- come, let's get you to the medbay- I didn't mean to hit you, I'm sorry-" before he could continue, he was hugged.

Like, actually hugged.

His breath hitched in his throat.

"Mister Stark, please tell me what's wrong" Peter's small voice came from his chest, and he let out a shaky breath. "I-" he couldn't get the words out. Why was he alright with getting hugged? He thought, as he looked down at the kid, who has his arms wrapped around his middle. And slowly, he wrapped his own arms around the kid, and the kid sank into his chest. "You scared me, Mister Stark" the kid admitted, and oh, did Tony feel horrible. But why was he feeling horrible? He did so many, worse things, why was he feeling guilty about scaring Peter?

But then he knew.

Oh god.

He was turning into a father. 

Hi people sorry I didn't post yesterday I was on vacation sorry but I'M BACK hope u enjoyed this microscopic one shot lol bye

Irondad/Spiderson OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora