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Peter alternated weekends in Avengers Tower and with Aunt May. Tonight was an Avengers Tower night, and he had received permission from Mr. Stark to have a guest. Due to Peter's impressive friend group size (not), whenever he was allowed to bring guests, the person he invited was usually Ned. He felt too nervous to invite MJ over, even though she very much knew about his secret.

Ironically, it had been his nerves to let the cat out of the bag in the first place. During a movie night with Ned and MJ she had asked him to pass the chips and as he did his sticky fingers had decided to stick fast to her hand and refuse to let go. (That had been awkward to explain. And even more awkward to unstick.)

Things had progressed since then and, (in the most awkward and typical turn of events ever), Peter had developed a huge crush on the sarcastic, dry-witted, straight-faced girl. Who just happened to be extremely beautiful. *Cough* Errrrr.....


After a huge, anticipation-filled buildup, (catastrophic in Peter's mind) filled with nervous texts to Ned, sleepless nights, and close calls of (god forbid) DATING ADVICE from Tony, his worries about making the first move were crushed in typical MJ style when after decathlon practice one night she kissed him. Right next to the water fountain. The metal had dug straight into his hip and he was sure at any second they were going to get caught and kicked off of the team and his academic career was surely in jeopardy if anyone saw them and boy Flash would have a field day with this one and woah, were girls lips always this soft?

It was the single greatest moment of his life.

Two weeks later and Peter would like to think things were going well. They hadn't broken up at least, and Peter considered that a win.

Currently, they were sitting on one of the luxurious couches. MJ's legs were draped over his as they watched the newest episode of Dr. Who. Her hand rested limply over his. Discarded popcorn bags were strewn across the room as well as two cans of semi-empty coke. They were both invested in what was playing out before them but Peter couldn't quite bring himself to relax. He had never had a girl over, let alone in the house of his idols and teammates.

He was in the midst of forcing himself to relax when chuckles and footsteps broke through his concentration. His nerves, already on high alert and mixed with his enhanced hearing, picked up the movements as soon as they came into range. MJ with her normal human hearing, couldn't hear anything and when Peter suddenly froze under her fingertips she frowned, looking at him questioningly. His eyes were locked straight in front of him, focusing on the sounds quickly approaching. Who was coming here? This was one of the more private floors so it couldn't be any of the employees and his teammates weren't due back from the shawarma place until after 7..... Peter's eyes drifted to the clock. Realization dawned.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." Peter got up so quickly from the couch that he stumbled, simultaneously pushing MJ off his lap and tripping over his feet in his attempt to lean his body in front of MJ's.

"Peter, what's happening?" MJ questioned, her face twisting into a mixture of slight alarm and annoyance at his sudden freakout. Her eyes traveled to the door and her eyebrows lifted. Clearly, the footsteps had just come into range for her.

Peter, with all the masculinity of a potato, squeaked and jumped away from her to the other side of the couch. He folded his arms, staring stiffly at the TV with wide, Bambi eyes and flushed cheeks.

It was the exact opposite of casual and MJ wasn't having it. She reached over to dig her index finger into his ribs and he flinched, relinquishing his spot and shifting over stiffly, eyes wide and trained on the offending door. She grabbed his hand and intertwined her fingers with his. That just made him blush harder. Without looking he knew MJ's gaze had returned back to its uninterested default. They must have been a sight for sore eyes. MJ and her dead-eyed stare, Peter vibrating like a fork in a toaster.

The footsteps reached a crescendo and the conversation became clearer and clearer.

"If Thor's in charge of movie night, I swear to god I'm not going. There's only so many times I can watch animal documentaries."

"Tony, you always say that, and then you get completely engrossed 10 minutes in. At this point you may as well drop the act that you don't enjoy them."

To Peter's utter horror, it wasn't just one or two Avengers that came into the room. It was the majority of the people currently living there. The original six. Tony, Steve, Clint, Natasha, Bruce, and Thor. When they crossed the threshold and entered the room, the conversation dropped. Clearly they hadn't been expecting anyone, let alone their youngest member cuddling up to.... someone not Ned?

Clint was the only one who completely lost his composure, doing a double-take at the girl on the couch who was decidedly not Ned. He froze in place, Tony Stark himself coming to a stop next to him. Tony took a long look at the stone-faced girl, scanning her up and down before coming to a rest on Peter's pink face, burning like a house on fire. Slowly, a smirk stretched across his cheeks. The smirk quickly turned into a full-on grin, mischievous and full of mirth as he took in Peter's clear panic. His look clearly said, "You're fucked now, Spiderboy".

From an outsider's perspective, it looked like a cowboy standoff. Teenagers on one side, supercharged adults on another.


Ah, fuck.

Thor's proclamation was too much for Clint and he burst out laughing, falling onto his knees and holding his sides as he took in what was quite obviously the worst moment of Peter's developing life. Natasha, to her credit, kicked him in the side. He yelped and quieted a bit, looking between Peter and MJ and giggling.

If Peter could be rocketed into space at that moment, he would. Alternatively, he would settle for being drowned.

Steve looked at Peter, then at MJ, then at their hands intertwined between them. He crossed his arms, smiled softly at them. Bruce flushed in sympathy and trained his eyes to the floor.

Yep, time to die.

"Urr, umm, t-this is, um, MJ".

The girl in question looked up and gave a quick, calculating wave (Could waves be calculating?). She gave them all a once over and rested her eyes on Stark. She narrowed her eyes at him and he smirked back.

Tony stepped forward and moved to the edge of the couch. He smiled at Peter, eyes gleaming.

"Petey's girlfriend," he supplied, grinning back at his teammates.

"Mr. Stark!" Peter protested, eyes widening to the point he thought they were going to pop out of his head. He grabbed a pillow from the corner of the couch and buried his face in it, half hoping to suffocate.


MJ, who had been silent up until this point, spoke up.

"Probably because he was trying to keep some sort of semblance of normal life. Come on Peter."

She stood up and pulled on his hand, dragging him through the small crowd of Avengers and through the doorway. After reaching the doorway she paused and seemed to come to a conclusion. Turning, she gently grabbed his face, leaned in, and kissed him. His brain completely shut off and without thinking, he closed his eyes and kissed her back. After a few seconds the world came back to him and he jumped a little, making a little alarmed noise at the back of his throat. He grabbed her arm and yanked her out of their view and into the hallway.

The room behind them fell into stunned silence until an unmistakably Stark-tinted voice called out behind them.

"Use protection!"

Hello kids hope you liked this one

Mom loves you


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