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Peter was nervous today was the day he was going to tell Mr.Stark he sees him as a dad. Ned wasn't at school so he didn't know how to tell Mr.Stark. 'What if he didn't feel the same way, what if he just wants me because of spiderman. How will I tell him?' Peter was spiraling into panic as he thought of the many scenarios that will happen if he tells Mr.Stark. Peter was lost in his thoughts until his girlfriend, Mj, jabbed him in the ribs with her elbow "What are you so worried about, loser, we all know he sees you as a son." " but what if he doesn't?" "Trust me loser it's obvious he does. For example, he provides you with food, he cares about your mental and physical health. If he didn't see you as a son he wouldn't do any of that." "Okay so he might see me as his son but how will I tell him?" " As cliche as it sounds just be yourself loser." " Nevermind I'll just ask Aunt May, but thanks for the tip Mj". As soon as their conversation was finished it was time for first period. It's not like it mattered that he was late or not. He already new this stuff, heck he could have graduated by now. But he didn't because he wanted to be with his best friend and girlfriend. He finally made it to his class he sat next to the empty seat that was Ned's still lost deep in thought until his spider-sense buzzed it was warning him of Flash entering the room. "Hi, Penis can't wait to see if your 'friend' Tony Stark will pick you up from school." Right today was lab day how could he forget now he has less time to plan on telling Mr.Stark. 'great today's lab day' Peter thought sarcastically 'it's not like I even know how to tell him I see him as a dad.' The day passed on quickly. When he walked out of his school he saw Happy waiting for him in the most noticeable car he has ever seen. Not wanting attention Peter quickly walked into the car and closed the door "Hi Happy" Peter said in his usual cheery voice. Happy let out a grunt in response and started to drive to the tower. Peter didn't say anything during the car ride until the end when Happy asked him if he was okay and of course he said yes. Peter was walking into Mr. Stark's private lab when he heard a voice behind him. He instantly recognized the voice as Mr. Stark's. "Hi Pete, how was school?" Peter replied with a short cheerful sounding great. When they were entering the lab Peter felt the urge to ask Mr. Stark if he could talk to him. 'tell him. Not yet.' He thought to himself. Once, lab time was over Peter went into his room (because conveniently May has a night shift so he is staying with Mr.Stark)and put on his Iron man pajamas because of course Mr. Stark would buy those for him. He went into the living room of the penthouse to meet up with Mr. Stark for a movie night. Mr. Stark was apparently wearing Spider-Man pajamas because he probably knew Peter was going to wear his Iron Man one's. The laid next to each other on the couch. (A/N: ew no wtf not like that weirdo) "Hey 'roos, what movie do you want to watch?" "Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back!" " You hear that F.R.I.D.A.Y. " "I most certainly did boss." The movie started to project on the wall. Near the middle of the movie Tony started to run his fingers through Peter's curly hair which made Peter tired. Peter leaned into his mentor's touch growing tired. A few seconds from sleep he managed to slur out "go'night dad love you". Tony's heart filled up with affection the kid thought of him as his dad. "Love you too kid see you in the morning."  Then, Tony fell asleep next to HIS kid. When Peter some up he was confused that he wasn't on his bed. "Hey F.R.I.D.A.Y.?" " Yes Peter?" "How did I end up on the couch?" " You fell asleep here during the movie." "Oh okay then. Where's Da-Mr. Stark?" "Boss is currently in the kitchen  getting breakfast. Would you like me to come get him?" " no it's okay. " Peter got up from where he was laying down and made his way to the kitchen. "Hey Da-Mr.Stark!" "Hey kiddo." " Mr.Stark can I tell you something?" "Yeah kiddo what is it?" " Doyouseemeasyoursonbecauseithinkofyouasmydadifyoudon-" "Whoa kiddo slow down! you need to breath remember?" " Do you see me as your son because I think of you as my dad if you don't that's okay! " "Who wouldn't come here kiddo of course I think of you as a son now give me a hug" and then they hugged. 


So I didn't have this pre-written so I just wrote this. I started writing it at eleven and now it 1:45 well

Mom loves you bye

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