Field Trip pt. 2

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F.R.I.D.A.Y announced that Happy had arrived and was waiting for Peter downstairs in the parking garage. Peter turned around to pick up the bagel from the plate but it wasn't there anymore, Pepper had already taken it and put in a napkin for him to carry it with him and a thermos for his caffeine fix. He kissed her cheek, "Thanks Mom, I'll see you later love you, love you to Morgana". He got into the elevator and made his way down to the parking garage. "Morning Happy". Happy nodded, never one for too many words normally, but especially not before eight in the morning. They made the trip to the school in silence with Peter focusing on his notes for the press conference later that afternoon. They eventually made it to school and just before Peter was about to get out Happy turned to face him "You're Aunt would be very proud of you today kid, I know I am. You are turning into one hell of a young man". Peter was shocked at the compliment and nearly teared up. "Thanks Hap, that really means a lot to me". It did, Peter had always wanted Happy's approval but in the last few days Peter had been thinking about May a lot, he had hoped he was making her proud and living up to the man she hoped he would become, it was a weight off his shoulders to have someone tell him he was.

He thanked the man once more and got out of the car and made his way over to bus that was going to take him straight back home. Tony really had been a dick making the tour and press conference the same day, if he did the tour after Peter could have at the very least slept in, if not just stayed at home and worked in the lab. Nobody would question him not showing up if he had already been announced as the adopted son of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. As the future owner of the company why would he need the tour. At least it was a day out of classes, time which he can spend with Ned and MJ. When he saw his best friend and girlfriend near the front of the bus he walked up to them, kissed MJ hello and nodded to Ned. "This should be fun" he said sarcastically. Ned not picking up on the sarcasm took him literally. "I know right, I can't wait, do you think we will see any Avengers?". MJ just shook her head at her friend and let Peter answer "Dude, you have not only been to the tower multiple times, but have met all of the Avengers at least once and most of them numerous times, just last week you kicked Clint's ass at Mario Kart"

"That's not the same, this is different, we are going to get a tour of the tower instead of just the residential area, I wonder if we will get to build something". Before Peter could answer him, he was cut off by Flash. "I really can't wait to see the look of humiliation on your face when we get there and nobody knows who you are. Pathetic really that you've kept up the lie even after the blip. You'd think half of life in the universe being wiped out would make you grow up but I guess not". MJ went to say something but a light squeeze of her hand from Peter had her stopping. He led her and Ned to the doors of the bus that had just opened, ignoring Flash entirely which just infuriated the bully. "Hey Penis, I'm talking to you". He grabbed Peter's arm and went to turn him so they would face eachother but just as he was going to Peter was called over to speak to Mr Harrington. "Yes Sir?". "Peter you're a good kid, and I get wanting to fit in and doing what it takes to be popular. That being said this lie needs to stop, we let it be when it didn't matter and it was never really going to matter, we even gave you the last week to come clean before today and you haven't taken the chance. You need to admit you never had an internship, it will be easier now than when already in the building and it won't reflect poorly on the school".


Hi again next part will also be out today. Bye!

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