Field Trip pt. 10

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They left and Peter followed his mother into her office, Janice staying outside in her cubicle. "So how has the tour been?". Peter didn't exactly want to tell her everything that happened, he was still hoping neither her or Tony would ask F.R.I.D.A.Y about anything. "It's been okay". She heard the tone in his voice and knew immediately he was hiding something. "What happened?". He reached his hand to scratch the back of his head, a habit he picked up from Tony. Something Pepper was well used to; it was something her boys did when they were trying to hide something. "Nothing..." "Peter Benjamin Parker Stark don't you dare lie to me". Peter held his hands up in surrender "I wasn't going to lie" Pepper just raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest. "So, you weren't about to just tell me nothing happened?"

"No, I was going to say that nothing happened that I couldn't handle", he smiled at her with puppy dog eyes, something both her kids and man child of a husband did when trying to get out of trouble. Her stance didn't change but she did smile at her son. "Mmhmm, I'm sure that is exactly what you were going to say. Right go on, go meet up with the rest of you class before Clint and Sam start telling embarrassing stories about you" It clicked for him then, the change in schedule wasn't because Bruce didn't have time, he was roped into and Avengers meet and greet, probably by Clint. "Oh, please God no" "Go, I'll see you soon for the press conference"

Peter made it the demo room in record time, the joys of having the elevator controlled by an AI, you can ask that it go faster, he dropped from the eightieth floor to the fifteenth in ten seconds, thankfully, he didn't hit his head off the roof when the elevator suddenly stopped -spidey powers for the win – instead he walked out and jogged down the hall until he made it the double doors and could hear Clint talking about him. He opened the door just as Clint said "Yeah, Petey just sucks at Mario Kart, poor kid, it's actually kind of embarrassing". Embracing the suck Peter shouted up to the stage, "If I suck so much, why is it I beat you every single time, doesn't exactly say a lot about your abilities does it" Everyone in the room not an Avenger turned to look at him, luckily for Clint, otherwise they would have seen his ears go red. "PETEY", Wanda had obviously been convinced to take Morgan with her to the Q and A. Peter crouched down and one knee and opened his arms for the little missile that had detached itself from MJ and was now coming at him at top speed. His sister ran straight into his arms and all his classmates smiled at the sight.


Hello there wonderful people hope you enjoyed see you next time

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