Field Trip pt. 3

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Peter was livid, he did not like being called a liar, it was one thing for a bully to do it, but a teacher? Really? He kept his cool though. "Mr. Harrington have you any proof to back up your accusation?". This was not the response the teacher was expecting. "Well, no, but..." Peter cut him off, "Well then, with all due respect sir, until you do this conversation is over". Before his teacher could do anything other than stand there in shock, Peter made his way onto the bus and took his seat next to his girlfriend. "What was that about, it looks like you broke him?" MJ laughed. "She's right, what did you say to him?". Peter repeated the conversation for them and neither found it funny anymore. "Don't worry loser another hour and everyone here who ever doubted you will have to accept they were wrong. Although now I don't know who to pay attention to when we go through security, Flash or Mr. Harrington". This made Peter smile and as the bus took off, the tension in Peter's shoulders eased off as he relaxed a bit.

Mr. Harrington had already given the speech on how he expected everyone to behave before they arrived so they all got off the bus and everyone, even Peter who should have been used to it at this stage were all in awe of the sleek building in front of them. After a minute of admiration Mr. Harrington got their attention and led them inside to the lobby. He went up to the receptionist and explained who he was and why he was there, the receptionist, a young woman Peter recognised as new hire by the name of Donna told the teacher that their tour guide would be with them any moment. The class kept looking around the lobby, with its floor to ceiling windows, massive chandelier and furniture that looked like it cost a fortune - Peter had no doubts that it did knowing his dad - as well as a fountain, there was enough to capture their attention.
"Good morning, Midtown Academic Decathlon Team" Peter recognised the voice as belonging to one of the more senior interns - Gwen. Once she had everyone's attention, she introduced herself. "My name is Gwen, I am a senior intern here at Stark Industries and I will be giving you your tour today, before we begin though you will need to be given your visitor passes. These are to be worn and openly displayed at all times or you will be asked to leave. I will also take this opportunity to remind you all that you have signed NDA's and unless in an area I tell you that it is okay, there is to be no photography". She paused to let what she had said sink in.

"There are six coloured lanyards used here at Stark Industries, white for visitors, blue for press, green for lower-level employees, red for medium level employees purple for higher level employees. All of these have different levels depending on the department you work in for example as a lower-level employee I have a green one with alpha clearance as a member of the R and D department. An intern in HR would have a green lanyard with charlie clearance. Chances of you seeing anyone with a black lanyard are slim but if you do, they are the highest clearance level. alpha would be for Mr, Stark and Ms. Potts family, beta for other residents, and charlie for friends and family of residents. When I call your name, come up and collect your badge, it will have your name and picture as well as your reason for being here, they are only going to work today so you will be able to keep them as a souvenir at the end of the day. Once everyone has their badges we will make our way through the scanner at the opposite end of the room, you will scan your card and Mr. Stark's AI, F.R.I.D.A.Y will announce your name and clearance level so don't be surprised by that, you then need to make your way over to the security officers and drop off your bags. You can collect them again at the end of the day".

With that said, she called everyone up, everyone that is except for Peter, MJ and Ned who had put their own black badges on as everyone else was getting theirs. Mr. Harrington, who was still seething over the way Peter had spoken to him earlier, having being keeping track of the names noticed that the three of them weren't called so before Gwen could lead them to the scanner, he stopped her and had to hide his glee as the moment Peter was going to be shown for the liar he was had finally arrived. "Sorry, Gwen, three of my students haven't received a pass, Peter Parker, Michelle Jones and Ned Leeds". At the names Gwen looked at the group in full. "Oh Mr, Parker, I didn't even see you there, I should have put two and two together and realised this was your class when I read Midtown". Peter smiled, still not liking the whole "Mr. Parker" thing. "Hi Gwen nice to see you again". Gwen flushed and turned to Mr. Harrington, "They already have badges, in fact I was wrong, you are going to see people with a black lanyard, you'll be spending the day with three of them". Before anyone could ask any more questions, they were led through the scanner. "Gwen Stacey, security clearance green, alpha" As expected, despite being warned a few people still jumped when F.R.I.D.A.Y spoke. Mr. Harrington went next. "Roger Harrington, security clearance white, charlie, tour group". This is how it went until the only ones left were Peter, Ned and MJ.

"Ned Leeds, security clearance black, charlie, welcome back Ned, enjoy the tour". Everyone was shocked the AI that ran Stark Industries knew Ned, they were even more shocked when MJ went through. "Michelle Jones, security clearance, black, charlie, hello MJ Mini Stark is looking forward to seeing you later, she hasn't stopped talking about it since Peter told her you were coming". MJ was secretly thrilled at the thought of that, she had always wanted a little sister and Peter's was adorable, she couldn't wait to see her either. Before anyone else could process what was going on Peter went through. "Peter Parker, security clearance black, alpha. Hey Mini Boss, Boss has asked me to tell you that the issue in Hong Kong has been sorted and the release should go off without a hitch and that he will talk to you more about it when he gets home". Peter couldn't help but smirk, he knew damn well that his dad had told F.R.I.D.A.Y that information hours ago and would have told her to wait until he was on the tour to tell him.

"I don't believe it; you actually work here?" Combine the tour guide addressing him as Mr. Parker and his security clearance nobody could deny Peter actually worked there anymore. Mr. Harrington looked like he had seen a ghost, Flash on the other hand looked enraged. All his plans for humiliating Peter just went out the window. The rest of the team were all muttering along the same lines "If you any of you ever cared to actually get to know me properly, you would know that this isn't something I would lie about". It was addressed to everyone but Peter was staring directly at his teacher as he said it. Mr. Harrington had gotten passed his seen a ghost moment and was silently fuming.


So this is a very long one. Thank you for reading. See you next time

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